Angevin Europe

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Presentation Europe angevine

            The Angevin world

What are the Angevin dominions? These principalities and disparate lands (see the Angevin Europe map) that were successively ruled (between 1266 and 1481) by two princely houses, one coming out from the Capetians counts of Anjou (the first of them, Charles of France, was brother of king Louis IX, 1226-1270), and the other one from the dukes of Anjou-Valois, with Louis, brother of king Charles V (1364-1380). Charles I rapidly built a wide area of domination: by marrying Beatrice of Provence in January 1246, he became count of Provence and Forcalquier, then (in August of the same year) he received from his brother the counties of Anjou and Maine; he obtained the submission of several Italian communes after 1259, the title of count of Tonnerre after his second marriage in 1268, the dignity of senator of Rome in 1263; he had the crown of Sicily in 1265 and bought the crown of Jerusalem in 1277; he conquered Albania and acquired the principality of Morea in 1278. Despite the loss of the island of Sicily in 1282 against the Aragonese, his son Charles II, husband of Mary of Hungary, imposed his son Charles Martel as king of Hungary in 1290. He also named another son, Raymond Berengar, count of Piedmont in 1304. The Hungarian branch, separate from the Sicilian one, took the head of the Kingdom of Poland in 1370. Robert of Naples finally gathered together the alliances and seigneuries in northern and central Italy; he became lord in Genoa in 1318, in Florence in 1325; he obtained from pope John XXII the imperial vicariate in Italy.

The second house of Anjou, resulting from the adoption by Joanna of Naples of Louis I of Anjou in 1380, refocused on its dominions in France and Provence and progressively lost the control of the kingdom of Naples, totally conquered by the Aragonese in 1442. René, grandson of Louis, was also count of Guise, marquis of Pont-à-Mousson, duke of Bar and duke of Lorraine; after the death of his elder brother Louis III he became duke of Anjou, count of Provence and Forcalquier, count of Piedmont, king of Sicily, king of Jerusalem, and claimed the crown of Aragon.

Beyond the personal unions, the titles without real content, the more or less ephemeral dominations, the epic of the conquests and the bitterness of defeats, is there any unit in this political construction that evolved in the European and Mediterranean area? Although there was probably no unit in a global and long-term scale of time and space, there probably was in terms of political speech, diplomatic representations and methods of power, movement of men, ideas and tastes. Angevins studies are intended to exploit this relative unity as a common foundation for a comparative and international research work, to understand this long history of discontinuous States, with no posterity in today's political map; to compare the methods and perspectives of national historiographies; to share sources and research tools to move forward in the knowledge of what made the medieval State and Europe.


The origins of the two houses of Anjou-Provence-Sicily


The first Anjou house


The house of Anjou-Sicily-Hungary


The second house of Anjou



In brackets = dates of reign for a sovereign, date of death, date of mention.

Without brackets = dates of wedding, dates of life as a couple and widowhood, date of accession to the title.

Angevin Europe maps

General map of Angevin Europe

General map of Angevin Europe
State of the art

The program presented in this portal is part of a fruitful development of historical reflection, due to the work carried on since the 1990s by various teams and generations of researchers. It was marked by many international conferences that have awakened the so-called Angevin studies, which had declined since the post-war period because of the discouragement that captured researchers following the destruction of the Angevin records of the Archivio di Stato di Napoli in 1943.

View of the Bay of Naples, from Vesuvius, ph. Marion Picker

Thanks to the support of the École française de Rome and the Italian historical institute for the Middle Ages, a first phase of research on the officers of Angevin central institutions was carried out in an international framework, whose inaugural volume devoted to Angevin State (1996) is a centrepiece. Between 1998 and 2010, further colloquia helped to reflect and improve our knowledge of the Angevin monarchy, nobility, practices of government, diplomacy, clerical culture, personal exchanges and networks that have developed within its range of political influence. These inquiries highlighted precisely the profile, the social origins and the training of political personnel which represented the princely authority in the territories under the Angevin domination. However, these studies have often remained fragmented, specific to circumscribed areas, in the absence of research tools and of a global approach.

Thus, for the Mediterranean area, Provence has been studied in depth for the 14th century: J.-L. Bonnaud was able to reconstruct the circulation of local officers during the reigns of Robert and Joanna (between 1309 and 1382), and to analyse the careers of this environment and the structures of their offices. He provided an exhaustive database, but in static form (pdf on CD); his work is now extending to the period until 1434. Michel Hébert (University of Quebec, Montreal) and Noël Coulet (University of Aix-Marseille) have studied the emergence of the central financial institutions, renewing an old and rich tradition of historiography (R. Busquet). Thierry Pécout (University of Saint-Étienne) continued in this direction analysing the personnel and methods of government of the central institutions (magistri rationales, archivists), while Jean-Paul Boyer (University of Aix-Marseille) has extended his studies to the Regno (Bartolomeo di Capua) in a perspective of cultural history. But the Central officers remain little known, despite the old catalogue provided by Fernand Cortez (1921), which moreover should be reviewed; it would be also useful to continue the research carried out by Mrs. M.-R. Reynaud on the central and local officers of the second house of Anjou. Finally, the reflection on the offices themselves, on their development and their structure, including the seneschalat, deserve special attention, in the light of the recent works on the papal officers (A. Jamme).

Other, less systematic studies (by M.T. Caciorgna, P. Grillo, S. Morelli, S. Pollastri and R. Rao) have focused on Italy. For the region of Rome, where the Angevin influence was indirect, there is no properly established list of officers. However, various studies produced by the research group coordinated by M.T. Caciorgna have highlighted the presence of Angevin officers at various levels of the local administration. The modes of their integration in the governments of the cities, their links with local élites were not considered in detailed studies, which would help to understand the processes at work between 13th and 14th century, the phase of the institutional genesis of an Angevin monarchy. The officers of many areas under Angevin domination are still little known: we should begin to work on the officers and their mobility in Tuscany, Anjou and the Balkans. For the Mediterranean, a recent study by G.-L. Borghese emphasized the activity of officers coming from the kingdom of Sicily.

The sky above the castle of Angers, ph. Thierry Pécout

For central and northern Italy and Provence, the attention paid to the Angevin officers dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, with the lists given by F. Cortez and L. Bertano, which appear today incomplete and imprecise. During the last century, historians were especially interested in the great officers of the princes (see Dizionario biografico degli Italiani), but only in the most recent decades, with the awakening of the Angevin studies, the officers were globally reconsidered. However, the weaknesses of those works are many: a biographical approach prevailed on a prosopographical approach, wich would allow to measure the modalities and characteristics of the circulation of the officers. With the exception of some recent studies, historians have especially focused on the central officers at the expense of local officers (vicarii, bajuli, clavarii). We still need systematic research studies which could help to consider regional specificities and to integrate them in a wide comparative reflection on public service in the Angevin space.

For the kingdom of Sicily-Naples, historians have accomplished during the last twenty years significant advances in the knowledge of a critical period in the history of Mezzogiorno, thanks to many studies on sources, prosopography and institutional structures. As regards documentation, the discovery of archival funds related to researchers (such as Cadier and Sthamer), and the acquisition of private archives by the Archivio di Stato di Napoli, have given a new stimulus to the publication of the 50 volumes of the Registri ricostruiti della Cancelleria Angioina; to the study of monastic charters published by Carlone; to the edition of Léon Cadier’s writings, by S. Morelli. Recent works have focused on more topics, such as the theme of administrative, institutional, cultural continuity between the periods of the Satufer and of the Anjou (Centro di Studi Normano-Suevi); the links between princely authority, societies and territories (S. Pollastri, G. Vitolo); the administrative geography of the Regno (S. Morelli, A. Peduto, A. Somaini). These studies have reconstructed the social, economic and administrative structures of the first age of the Angevin kingdom, and have left behind many historiographical preconceptions, such as the idea of the Mezzogiorno as a static feudal world. The many fields of research thus opened remain fertile. First of all, we have not an adequate knowledge of the second age of the Angevin monarchy, which still suffers from a significant reduction in sources known to date.

It is especially in this direction that the program is likely to achieve innovative results, from a double point of view. First, the prosopographical method and the design of the first database on the Angevin officers will allow to go beyond the documentary limits of the history of the kingdom of Naples. Second, focusing on the biographical elements and the administrative career of men coming from heterogeneous geographical, cultural and social backgrounds will contribute to re-evaluate the contribution of Mezzogiorno to the networks of relationships which gathered together the different countries under Angevin rule, and the formation of a common European culture of government.

As regards Anjou and its neighbouring regions, historiography still depends on old research works. In the 19th century, lawyers, savant scholars, archivists (Ch. Beautemps-Baupré † 1899, L. Gontard de Launay, d'Espinay, Lecoy de la Marche † 1897, Port...) produced studies and research tools (dictionaries, articles, monographs, collections of documents...) which allow to glimpse not only the organization of administrative, judicial, financial and military structures in Anjou and Maine, but also the role played by the officers of the Angevin entourage. These publications, useful for today's researchers (they show the consistency and the location of archival and bibliographic sources), unfortunately contain many errors and gaps. To date, we do not have a comprehensive list of officers having served in Anjou and Maine and confusion exists between several individuals, due to the diffusion of homonymy in the Middle Ages. Biographies exist, although they are often partial (for example, individuals are not systematically monitored after they leave the Anjou and Maine) and they do not allow to reconstruct the normal career of the officers of the region. Today's historians have a persistent interest on the documentary dossier highlighted by old works (M. Le Mené, J.-M. Matz, F. Comte, I. Mathieu...), but so far we can only deplore the lack of a general synthesis on the subject of medieval officers in Anjou: each of these historians meets such officers in his research activity, flushes out the old errors and approximations, carefully compiles information on them, but data are still split between various publications.

The chapel of the castle of Tarascon, ph. Thierry Pécout

Finally, the regions of central Europe and the Balkans were affected by the Angevin domination in a discontinuous way, between the end of the 13th century and the last decades of the 14th century. The apparatus of Angevin officers in Hungary is relatively well known. After a few partial studies carried out in the 19th and 20th centuries, Pál Engel provided a nearly complete database. In several publications, he analysed the structure of the royal court, the careers of the members of the Hungarian secular élite. He discovered an unknown government institution of the kings of the Angevin dynasty, which presents close analogies to feudalism: the fief related to a function (honor). According to his argument, the king confided to his barons not only a dignity, but also a large property (one or several fortresses, with their domain). Finally, Engel published his main work, L’archontologie laïque de Hongrie, 1301-1457. Since his death (2001), opportunities for research on the history of the Angevin kingdom have substantially improved: the archival material is completely available online. In addition, the publication of the Documenta res Hungaricas tempore regum Andegavensium illustrantia is ongoing (since 1990, 25 volumes have been published). These positive changes will allow our program to ensure corrections and additions to the database of Engel, besides its reformatting and its integration in a larger whole. With regard to the principality of Morea, the thesis of Isabelle Ortega (University of Nîmes) was able to reconstruct the presence of Angevin officers among the Morean nobility, although his work had not intended this social group. It is now necessary to deepen this aspect and replace this principality at the heart of the wide Angevin territorial set. The ongoing thesis of Aude Rapatout on Albania (La présence angevine dans l'Albanie médiévale, XIIIe-XIVe s., under the direction of M. Balard, University of Paris I), and the one of Brendan Osswald on Epirus (L'Épire du treizième au quinzième siècle: autonomie et hétérogénéité d'une région balkanique, University of Toulouse II), show the recent development of the research on Angevin south-eastern Europe. The presence of E. Csukovits for the Hungary, and the integration of Mrs. Ortega and Rapatout within the program, gives it a particularly innovative character to the group working on these areas, which have long been neglected by historiography.

You will find in the following study a state of the art for the first generation of academic works on Angevin domination, between the 1880s and the 1930s:

G. M. Monti, «Les Angevins de Naples dans les études du dernier demi-siècle», in Revue des questions historiques, 1934, 1, p. 419-456.

Angevin Europe bibliography

Bibliographical research tools


Abbreviations in use in the site Angevin studies


Research tools: academic dissertation



Angevin colloquia



Editions of sources, regesta


Angevin sovereigns

  • Abulafia D., « Charles of Anjou reassessed », Journal of Medieval History, 26/1, 2000, p. 93-114.
  • Arlot Fl., « Dans la tourmente du XIVe siècle : Marie de Blois, comtesse de Provence et reine de Naples », Provence historique, 56, 2006, p. 53-90 et p. 155-194.
  • Benet J., Jean d’Anjou, duc de Calabre et de Lorraine 1426-1470, Nancy, 1997.
  • Borghese G. L., Carlo I d’Angiò e il Mediterraneo. Politica, diplomazia e commercio internazionale prima dei Vesperi, Rome, 2008 (Collection de l’École française de Rome, 411).
  • Boutaric Ed., Saint Louis et Alphonse de Poitiers : étude sur la réunion des provinces du midi et de l'ouest à la couronne et sur les origines de la centralisation administrative, d'après des documents inédits, Paris, 1870.
  • Boyer J.-P., « René d’Anjou », Célébrations nationales 2009, M. de Boisdeffre (dir), Archives de France, Paris, 2008, p. 24-25 et 236.
  • Caggese R., Roberto d’Angiò e i suoi tempi, Florence, 1922-1930 (réimpression 1971).
  • Casteen El., « Sex and Politics in Naples : The Regnant Queenship of Johanna I », Journal of The Historical Society, 11-2 (2011), p. 183-210.
  • Casteen El., From she-wolf to martyr : the reign and disputed reputation of Johanna I of Naples, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 2015.
  • Chaigne-Legouy M., « Reine ordinaire, reine extraordinaire. La place de Jeanne de Laval et d’Isabelle de Lorraine dans le gouvernement de René d’Anjou », Matz J.-M. et Tonnerre N.-Y. (dir), René d’Anjou (1409-1480) : Pouvoirs et gouvernement. Actes du colloque international d’Angers (2009), Rennes, 2011, p. 77-101.
  • Chaigne-Legouy M., Femmes au « cœur d’homme » ou pouvoir au féminin ? Les duchesses de la seconde Maison d’Anjou (1360-1481), Thèse de doctorat d’histoire, Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, 2014.
  • Contamine Ph., « Yolande d’Aragon et Jeanne d’Arc : l’improbable rencontre de deux parcours politiques », Bousmar E., Dumont J., Marchandisse A., Schnerb B. (dir), Femmes de pouvoir, femmes politiques durant les derniers siècles du Moyen Âge et au cours de la première Renaissance, Bruxelles, 2012, p. 11-30.
  • Coulet N., Le roi René. Le prince, le mécène, l’écrivain, le mythe, en collaboration avec Alice Planche et Françoise Robin, Aix-en-Provence, 1982 (direction, introduction, 1re partie et conclusion).
  • Cutolo A., Re Ladislao d’Angiò Durazzo, Napoli, 1969.
  • Dunbabin J., Charles I of Anjou. Power, Kingship and State-Making in Thirteenth-Century Europe, Singapore, 1998.
  • Dupouy-Greiner M., « Une reine méconnue : Sancia de Majorque, reine de Jérusalem et de Sicile (1286-1345) », Études roussillonnaises, 2000-2001, 18, p. 117-128.
  • Favier J., Le roi René, Paris, Fayard, 2008.
  • Ferente S., « Joanna II of Anjou-Durazzo, the Glorious Queen », Renaissance Studies in Honor of Joseph Connors, t. 2, Cambridge-Firenze, 2013, p. 24-30.
  • Halecki O., Gromada Th. V., Jadwiga of Anjou and the rise of East Central Europe, Boulder, Colo., 1991 (East European monographs, 308 / Atlantic studies on society in change, 73).
  • Herde P., Karl I. von Anjou, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart et al., 1979.
  • Jehel G., Charles d'Anjou (1226-1285), comte d'Anjou et de Provence, roi de Sicile et de Jérusalem, un capétien en Méditerranée, Amiens, 2005.
  • Kelly S., The New Solomon. Robert of Naples (1309-1343) and Fourteenth-Century Kingship, Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2003 (The Medieval Mediterranean, vol. 48).
  • Kiesewetter A., « Das Itinerar König Karls II. von Anjou (1271-1309) », Archiv für Diplomatik, 43 (1997), p. 85-284.
  • Kiesewetter A., Die Anfänge der Regierung König Karls II. von Anjou (1278-1295). Das Königreich Neapel, die Grafschaft Provence und der Mittelmeeraum zu Ausgang des 13. Jahrhunderts, Husum, 1999.
  • Lecoy de La Marche A., Le roi René. Sa vie, son administration, ses travaux artistiques et littéraires, Paris, 1875, 2 vol.
  • Legaré A. -M., Jeanne de Laval politique, Bousmar E., Dumont J., Marchandisse A., Schnerb B. (dir), Femmes de pouvoir, femmes politiques durant les derniers siècles du Moyen Âge et au cours de la première Renaissance, Bruxelles, 2012, p. 551-570.
  • Léonard É.-G., Histoire de Jeanne Ire, reine de Naples, comtesse de Provence (1343-1382), 3, Le règne de Louis de Tarente, Monaco-Paris, 1936.
  • Léonard É.-G., La jeunesse de Jeanne Ire, reine de Naples et comtesse de Provence, Monaco-Paris, 1932.
  • Mango di Casalgerardo A., Federico III di Sicilia e Margherita di Durazzo, Palermo 1905.
  • Marrocco D., Carlo III di Angiò Durazzo, Capua 1967.
  • Matz J.-M., É. Verry (dir), René d’Anjou dans tous ses États (1409-1480), Paris, Éditions du Patrimoine, 2009.
  • Matz J.-M., « La reine Jeanne Ire de Naples, le pape Clément VII et l’adoption de Louis Ier d’Anjou », Schola salernitana. Annali, 19, 2014, p. 41-58.
  • Matz J.-M., « Princesse au pouvoir, femme de pouvoir ? L’action politique de Marie de Blois d’après le journal du chancelier Jean Le Fèvre (1383-1388) », Cevins M. -M. de, Kiss G., Matz J.-M. (dir), Les princesses angevines. Femmes, identité et patrimoine dynastiques, Mélanges de l’École française de Rome. Moyen Âge, à paraître.
  • Pór A., Nagy Lajos 1326-1382 [Louis le Grand, 1326-1382], Budapest, 1892 (Magyar történeti életrajzok) p. 441-453 et 464-472. (1) et (2)
  • Pór A., « Idősb Erzsébet királyné uralkodása Lengyelországban (1370-1380) [Le règne d’Élisabeth Łokietek en Pologne, 1370-1380]», Erdélyi Múzeum, 18 (1901) p. 477-482.
  • Poull G., La maison ducale de Lorraine devenue la maison impériale et royale d'Autriche, de Hongrie et de Bohême, Nancy, Presses universitaires, 1991.
  • Pryds D., The King Embodies the Word. Robert d’Anjou and the Politics of Preaching, Leiden, 2000.
  • Reynaud M.-R, « Itinéraire de Louis d’Anjou-Provence pendant son règne personnel (octobre 1399-avril 1417) », Provence historique, 54, 2004, p. 73-110.
  • Reynaud M.-R, Le temps des princes : Louis II & Louis III d'Anjou-Provence, 1384-1434, Lyon, 2000.
  • Reynaud M.-R., « Deux princesses – et reines – de la deuxième Maison d'Anjou-Provence : Marie de Blois-Penthièvre et Yolande d'Aragon (ca 1360-ca 1442) », M. Faure (dir), Reines et princesses au Moyen Âge, Actes du cinquième colloque international de Montpellier, Université Paul-Valéry (24-27 novembre 1999), Montpellier, 2001, p. 277-290.
  • Rohr Z. E., Yolande of Aragon (1381-1442). Family and Power: The Reverse of the Tapestry, New York, 2016.
  • Saint Clair Baddeley W., Charles III of Naples and Urban VI, London 1894.
  • Saint-Clair Baddeley W., Queen Joanna I. of Naples, Sicily, and Jerusalem, countess of Provence, Forcalquier and Piedmont ; an essay on her times, Londres, 1893.
  • Saint-Clair Baddeley W., Robert the Wise and his Heirs, Londres, 1897.
  • Schipa M., Carlo Martello angioino, Napoli 1890.
  • Sternfeld R., Karl von Anjou als Graf der Provence (1245-1265), Berlin, 1888.
  • Valente A., « Margherita di Durazzo, vicaria di Carlo III e tutrice di re Ladislao », Archivio storico per le province napoletane, n. sér., 1 (1915), p. 265-312, 457-502 ; 2 (1916), p. 267-310 ; 4 (1918), p. 5-43, 169-214
  • Vardy S. B., Grossschmid G., Domonkos L. S. (dir), Louis the Great, King of Hungary and Poland, New York, 1986 (East European monographs, 194).


General monographs on a principality (or a commune, for northern Italy)

  • Aurell M., Boyer J.-P., Coulet N., La Provence au Moyen Âge, Presses universitaires de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, 2005.
  • Barbero A., Il mito angioino nella cultura italiana e provenzale fra Duecento e Trecento, Turin, 1983.
  • Bertano L., Storia di Cuneo, Medioevo, Cuneo, 1898, 2 vol.
  • Bourrilly V.-L., Busquet R., La Provence au Moyen Âge. Histoire politique, l’Église, les institutions, Paris, 1924.
  • Cantarella G. M. et al., Svevi, Angioini, Aragonesi alle origini delle due Sicilie, Udine, 2009.
  • Casanova O., Il principato di Taranto e gli Angioini : Filippo I, 1280-1332, Taranto, 1908.
  • Comba R., Griseri G., Lombardi G. (dir), Storia di Mondovì e del Monregalese, II, L’età angioina (1260-1347), Cuneo-Mondovì, 2002.
  • Comba R. (dir), Gli Angiò nell’Italia nord-occidentale (1259-1382), Milan 2006.
  • Comba R., Grillo P., Rao R. (dir), Storia di Cuneo e delle sue valli, 3, Cuneo 1259-1347, fra monarchi e signori. In ricordo di Piero Camilla, Bollettino della società per gli studi storici, archeologici ed artistici della provincia di Cuneo, 148, 2013-1.
  • Csukovits E. (dir), L'Ungheria angioina, Rome, Viella, 2013.
  • Csukovits E., Az Anjouk birodalma 1301-1387 [L’empire des Angevins], Budapest, 2009.
  • Csukovits E., Az Anjouk Magyarországon, I, I. Károly és uralkodása (1301-1342) [Les Angevins en Hongrie I, Charles Ier et son règne], Budapest, 2012 (Magyar Történelmi Emlékek, Értekezések).
  • Davidsohn R., Geschichte von Florenz, vol. II, Guelfen und Ghibellinen, Berlin, 1908. (1) et (2) ; vol. III, Die letzten Kämpfe gegen die Reichsgewalt, Berlin, 1912.
  • Davies N., God's Playground. A History of Poland. I. The Origins to 1795, Oxford, 1981.
  • Engel P., Kristó Gy., Kubinyi A., Histoire de la Hongrie médiévale, 2, Des Angevins aux Habsbourgs, Rennes, 2008, p. 19-111.
  • Engel P., The Realm of St Stephen. A History of Medieval Hungary, 895-1526, London-New York, 2001, p. 124-197.
  • Galasso G., Il Regno di Napoli. Il Mezzogiorno angioino e aragonese (1266-1494), Turin, 1998.
  • Hóman B., Gli Angioni di Napoli in Ungheria, 1290-1403, trad. L. Zambra, R. Mosca, Rome, 1938.
  • Jasienica P., Piast Poland, New York, 1985.
  • Jasienica P., Jagellonian Poland, Miami, 1978.
  • Jehel G., Les Angevins de Naples : une dynastie européenne (1246-1266-1442), Paris, 2014.
  • Knoll P. W., The Rise of the Polish Monarchy. Piast Poland in East Central Europe, 1320-70, Chicago-London, 1972.
  • Kristó Gy., Engel P. et Makk F. (éd.), Korai magyar történeti lexikon (9-14. század) [Dictionnaire de la Hongrie médiévale, 9-14e siècles], Budapest, 1994.
  • Léonard É.-G., Les Angevins de Naples, Paris, 1954.
  • Matz J.-M., Tonnerre N. -Y. (dir), Histoire de l’Anjou, t. 2 : Le temps des princes (fin IXe-XVe siècle), Paris, Picard, 2017.
  • Merkel C., La dominazione di Carlo I d’Angiò in Piemonte e in Lombardia e i suoi rapporti con le guerre contro re Manfredi e Corradino, Turin, 1891.
  • Merkel C., Cuneo e la signoria angioina, VII centenario della fondazione di Cuneo. Memorie storiche, Cuneo, 1898, p. 33-123.
  • Monti G. M., La dominazione angioina in Piemonte, Torino, 1930.
  • Rapatout A., « L’Albanie de Charles Ier d'Anjou. Une microhistoire pour un micro-royaume ? », Mémoire des princes angevins, 8, 2011, p. 35-46.
  • Storia del Mezzogiorno, 4, Il regno dagli Angioini ai Borboni, Rome, 1986 (rééd. 1994).
  • Tallone A., Tomaso I di Saluzzo (1244-1296). Monografia storica con appendice di documenti inediti, Pinerolo, 1916.
  • Tocco F. P., Il Regno di Sicilia tra Angioini e Aragonesi, Bologna, 2008.
  • Tramontana S., Il Mezzogiorno medievale : Normanni, Svevi, Angioini, Aragonesi nei secoli XI-XV, Rome, 2000.
  • Wojciechowski Z., Mieszko I and the rise of the Polish State, Toruń-London, 1936 (The Baltic Pocket Library).


Unpublished Dissertations

  • Stouff L., « Thèses, diplômes et mémoires soutenus devant les facultés de droit et des Lettres d’Aix au cours des années 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954 », Provence historique, 4, 1954, p. 93-96.
  • Stouff L., « Thèses et diplômes d’études supérieures soutenus devant les Facultés de droit et des Lettres d’Aix en 1955 et 1956 », Provence historique, 7, 1957, p. 229-231.
  • Aubenas R., « Thèses de doctorat et mémoires pour le DES concernant l’histoire de la Provence et du Comté de Nice soutenus devant les Facultés de Droit d’Aix et de Nice de 1957 à 1969 », Provence historique, 20, 1970, p. 308-313.


  • Ambroise J., Les écuries ducales de Lorraine sous René II (1473-1508), Mémoire de master, Université de Nancy, 2015 (dactylographié).
  • Arnaud Ph., Pouvoirs, économie et société du bailliage de Castellane à partir de l’enquête de 1278, Université Aix-Marseille I, mémoire de Maîtrise, 2000 (dactylographié).
  • Attard J.-P., Delphine de Puimichel. Une aristocrate provençale sainte en son siècle, Université Aix-Marseille I, mémoire de Maîtrise, 2003 (dactylographié).
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  • Dutour Th., Une société de l'honneur. Les notables et leur monde à Dijon à la fon du Moyen Âge. Paris, 1998.
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  • Genet J.-Ph. (dir), L’État moderne et les élites, XIIIe-XVIIIe s. : Apports et limites de la méthode prosopographique : actes du colloque international CNRS-Paris I, 16-19 octobre 1991, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 1996.
  • Gonzalez E., Un prince en son Hôtel. Les serviteurs des ducs d’Orléans au XVe s., Paris, 2004.
  • Jamme A., Poncet O. (dir), Offices, écrit et papauté (XIIIe-XVIIe s.), Paris, 2007.
  • Kerhervé J., « Les registres des lettres scellées à la chancellerie sous le règne de François II de Bretagne (1458-1488) », Écrit et pouvoir dans les chancelleries médiévales : espace français, espace anglais. Actes du colloque de Montréal (1995), Louvain-la-Neuve, 1997, p. 153-204.
  • Kettering S., « Friendship and Clientage in Early Modern France », French History, 6-2, 1992 (a), p. 139-158.
  • La società mediterranea all'epoca del Vespro, 11o Congresso di Storia della Corona d'Aragona, Palermo, Trapani, Erice, 23-30 aprile 1982, Palerme, 1983-1984 (4 vol.).
  • Lander J. R., « Family, Friends and Politics in Fifteenth-Century England » Kings and Nobles in the later Middle Ages, a Tribute to Charles Ross, R. A. Griffiths et J. Sherbone (éd.), Gloucester, Palgrave Macmillan, 1986, p. 27-40.
  • Les Élites urbaines au Moyen Âge, XXVIIe Congrès de la SHMESP (Rome, mai 1996), Paris, 1997.
  • Les serviteurs de l'État au Moyen Âge, XXIXe congrès de la SHMES (Pau, mai 1998), Paris, 1999.
  • Liens personnels, réseaux, solidarités en France et dans les îles Britanniques (XIe-XXe s.), Actes de la table ronde organisée par GDR 2136 et l'Université de Glasgow (10-11 mai 2002), Paris, 2006.
  • Maire Vigueur J.-Cl. (dir), I podestà dell’Italia comunale. Parte I. Reclutamento e circolazione degli ufficiali forestieri (fine XIII sec.-metà XIV sec.), Rome, 2000.
  • Marchandise A. et Kupper J.-L (dir), À l'ombre du pouvoir. Les entourages princiers au Moyen Âge, Genève, 2003.
  • Mattéoni O. «Une base de données informatisées pour l'étude prosopographique du personnel politique de la principauté bourbonnaise à la fin du Moyen Âge : présentation et exploitation», Medieval Prosopography, 19, 1998, p. 99-109.
  • Mattéoni O., Servir le prince. Les officiers des ducs de Bourgogne à la fin du Moyen Âge (1356-1523). Paris, 1998.
  • Mattéoni O., « L’apport de la prosopographie à la connaissance des carrières des officiers de la chambre des comptes de Moulins (vers 1450-vers 1530) L’État moderne et les élites. XIIIe-XVIIIe s. Apports et limites de la méthode prosopographique. Actes du colloque international, Genet J.-Ph., Günther L. (dir), Paris, 1996, p. 123-138.
  • Mattéoni O., « Vérifier, corriger, juger. Les Chambres des comptes et le contrôle des officiers en France à la fin du Moyen Âge », Revue Historique, 641, 2007, p. 31-69.
  • Mattéoni O., « Écriture et pouvoir princier : la chancellerie du duc Louis II de Bourbon (1356-1410) », Castelnuovo G., Mattéoni O. (dir), " De part et d'autre des Alpes". II. Chancelleries et chanceliers des princes à la fin du Moyen Âge, Chambéry, 2011, p. 131-171.
  • Morsel J., L'aristocratie médiévale, Paris, A. Colin, 2004.
  • Péquignot S., Au nom du roi. Pratique diplomatique et pouvoir durant le règne de Jacques II d’Aragon (1291-1327), Madrid, 2009.
  • Richard J., « La Chancellerie des ducs de Bourgogne de la fin du XIIe au début du XVe siècle », Landesherrliche Kanzleien im Spätmittelalter. Referate zum VI. Internationalen Kongress für Diplomatik (München, 1983), Munich, 1984 (Münchenel Beiträge zur Mediävistik und Renaissance-Forschung, 35), p. 379-413.
  • Rigaudière A. « Destitution d’offices et reconstitution de carrières au milieu du XIVe s., Nonagesimo anno » Mélanges offerts à Jean Gaudemet, Paris, PUF, 1999, p. 837-873.
  • Silvestri A., « La Real cancelleria siciliana nel tardo medioevo e l’inquisitio di Giovan Luca Barberi (secoli XIV-XVI) », Reti Medievali. Rivista, 17-2 (2016).
  • Zorzi A., « I rettori di Firenze. Reclutamento, flussi, scambi (1193-1313) », I podestà dell’Italia comunale. Parte I. Reclutamento e circolazione degli ufficiali forestieri (fine XIII sec.-metà XIV sec.), Rome, 2000, p. 453-594.

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Provence presentation

             Counties of Provence and Forcalquier


Château de Tarascon
Castle of Tarascon, ph. Th. Pécout

The counties of Provence and Forcalquier were part of the empire. In 12th century the appellation of Provence began to refer to a specific political reality, designating first the

county which passed to the house of the counts of Barcelona in 1113. Between 1125 and 1190, its limits were defined by a series of agreements with the counts of Toulouse, who had possessions in the lower valley of the Rhone, and with the counts of Forcalquier, who developed his authority at the same time on the right bank of the river Durance. In 1162, the relations of this territory with the empire are formalized: the counts of Provence, in the kingdom of Burgundy or Arles, must pay the tribute to the emperor. Since the 13th century, the territorial boundaries of the county of Provence were well perceived by contemporaries: «The term of Provence extends from the Rhône and Tarascon to La Turbie in the sense of the length, and from the Durance to the sea in the sense of the width», an arbitration document says in 1230. The last count of Provence from the house of Barcelona, Raymond Berengar V (1216-1245), was also the first to bear at the same time the title of count of Forcalquier, by maternal inheritance. The two counties of Provence and Forcalquier were now united in one hand and, despite an interlude that gave the dowager countess Beatrice of Savoy the county of Forcalquier from 1248 to 1256, they thus passed in the hands of the first house of Anjou, who succeeded the house of Barcelona in 1246, in the person of Charles, brother of king Louis IX of France. The first house of Anjou reigned until 1382, with Charles of Anjou (1246-1285), Charles II (1285-1309), Robert (1309-1343) and Joanna I (1343-1382), and added a crown to the titre of count, when Charles of Anjou was created king of Sicily by the pope, in 1265. This first house gave way to a second line, which came out of the house of Valois, with Louis of Anjou (1382-1384) and his successors, Louis II (1384-1417), Louis III (1417-1434), René (1434-1480), and Charles III (1480-1481). After this, the counties of Provence and Forcalquier were included in the dominions of the crown of France.

Jean-Luc Bonnaud, Thierry Pécout


Provence map


  • Royal dominions (1300)
  • Administrative districts of Provence (about 1400)
  • Administrative districts in eastern Provence (1388)

Maps drown from: É. Baratier, G. Duby, E. Hildesheim (eds.), Atlas Historique: Provence, Comtat Venaissin, Principauté d'Orange, Comté de Nice, Paris, 1969

Provence bibliography

Some studies and the Provence historique journal, available by clicking in the list below, has been digitized and edited thanks to a partnership with the Médiathèque de la Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’Homme (Cité numérique de la Méditerranée, Service ressources numériques, MMSH-USR 3125).

You will find in the following work a comprehensive bibliography of studies published before 1970:


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Anjou and Maine presentation

                    Anjou et Maine


Anjou and Maine are two provinces in the West of the kingdom of France, on the borders of Britain. Anjou progressively became an autonomous principality between the 9th and the beginning of the 10th century, when Foulques le Roux proclaimed himself count. From there descended the dynasty of the Plantagenets, who also controlled the Maine, Normandy and Aquitaine, and ruled England from 1154. The clash between the kings of France and the Plantagenets was particularly intense at the end of the 12th and in the early 13th century. In 1202, king Philippe Auguste seized John Lackland's continental fiefs, including the counties of Anjou and Maine, which he added to the dominions of the French crown, even if it took the decisive battle of La Roche-aux-Moines, not far from Angers (July 2, 1214) to see these territories actually attached to France.

Castle of Angers, ph. Bruno Rousseau,
conservation départementale du patrimoine de Maine-et-Loire

Anjou and Maine were then repeatedly used as an apanage. The testament of the king of France Louis VIII († 1226) provided that they would pass after his death to his son John, but he died prematurely. Unlike his father, Louis IX (1226-1270) was still in life when he gave the two provinces (May 1246) to his brother Charles (1232-1285). A few months before, Charles I had become count of Provence and Forcalquier following his marriage with Beatrice, daughter of Raymond Berengar V and heir to the two counties which were part of the empire. Twenty years later, at the request of the papacy, Charles turned to Italy and conquered the kingdom of Sicily. He was the founder of the first house of Anjou and Provence. But since the reign of his son Charles II (1285-1309), the two counties of Anjou and Maine went out of the possessions of this house: in 1290, the king of Sicily give them to his daughter Marguerite for her dowry, on the occasion of her marriage to Charles of Valois, brother of the king of France Philip IV the Fair.

Their son, Philip of Valois, united Anjou and Maine to the dominions of the crown after his accession to the throne of France in 1328, but John II the Good (1350-1364) separated them again in 1356, and created an apanage for his second son Louis, before erecting the Anjou in duchy in 1360. Following its adoption by the queen Joanna I of Naples in 1380, Louis I also inherited the counties of Provence and Forcalquier, as well as the kingdom of Sicily, in which he tried in vain, like his successors, to establish himself. He was the founder of the second house of Anjou and Provence. The Angevin line ended with René of Anjou, who died in July 1480 without male heir; the Angevin prerogative passed thus in a definitive way under the royal control.

In the 15th century, Maine had a different destiny. In 1437, the county was given to Charles, younger brother of René of Anjou, who ruled it until his death in 1472. His son Charles of Maine succeeded him, but he died without heir in 1481; he had instituted his cousin Louis XI as heir for the dominions of Maine (and Provence, which had been transmitted to him by René).

It should be noted the close links that joined Anjou and Maine to the crown of France under the two houses of Anjou. These relationships influenced the choices made both in terms of institutional organization (closely inspired by the structure of French State) and in the recruitment of the apparatus of officers serving the princely State, which is based on men who are often also found as officers of the kings of France.

Isabelle Mathieu


Anjou and Maine map

A map of Anjou and Maine

Anjou and Maine bibliography

County (then duchy) of Anjou, county of Maine

  • Anjou, Medieval Art, Architecture and Archaeology, The British Archaeological Association, Conference transaction XXVI, 258 p.
  • Beautemps-Beaupré Ch.-J., « Les juges ordinaires de l’Anjou et du Maine, 1371-1508 », Mémoire de la Société nationale, d’agriculture, sciences et arts d’Angers, 3e série, t. 27, 1885, p. 276-323.
  • Beautemps-Beaupré Ch.-J., Coutumes et institutions de l’Anjou et du Maine antérieures au XVIe siècle. I. Coutumes et styles, 4 vol., Paris, 1877-1883 ; II. Recherches sur les juridictions de l’Anjou et du Maine pendant la période féodale, 4 vol., Paris, 1890-1897.
  • Beautemps-Beaupré Ch.-J., Notice sur les baillis d’Anjou et du Maine à la fin du XIIIe siècle et sur leurs conflits avec l’évêque d’Angers, Orléans, 1885 (24 p.).
  • Bellanger A., Héraldique de l'Anjou médiéval aux XIIIe-XIVe siècles : présentation générale et inventaire, Angers, 2004 (Thèse de doctorat d'histoire, université d'Angers).
  • Bidet L., La famille de Beauvau à la fin du Moyen Âge (v. 1380-v. 1510), mémoire de Maîtrise, Université d’Angers, 1994, résumé dans « La noblesse et les princes d’Anjou : la famille de Beauvau », Coulet N. et Matz J.-M. (dir.), La noblesse dans les territoires angevins à la fin du Moyen Âge. Actes du colloque international d’Angers-Saumur (1998), Rome, École française de Rome, 2000, p. 471-497.
  • Blomme Y., Anjou gothique, Picard, Paris, 1998, 360 p.
  • Bourderious M., « Le testament de Jean Bernard, chancelier d’Anjou, archevêque de Tours », Bulletin de la Société archéologique de Touraine, 31, 1951, p. 233-256.
  • Bouton A., Le Maine. Histoire économique et sociale, t. 1 : Des origines au XIVe siècle ; t. 2 : XIVe, XVe, XVIe siècles, Le Mans, 1962, 2 vol.
  • Carré de Busserolle J., Dictionnaire géographique, historique et biographique d’Indre-et-Loire et de l’ancienne province de Touraine, Tours, 1878-1894, 3 vol.
  • Carre G., « Résidences en pierre de la petite et moyenne aristocratie en Anjou-Touraine (XIIe-XIVe siècle) », Vivre dans le donjon au Moyen Âge, Actes du colloque de Vendôme, 12 et 13 mai 2001, Éditions du Cherche-Lune, Vendôme, p. 109-133.
  • Carré G., Litoux E., « La salle dans les manoirs angevins du XIIe à la fin du XVe siècle : permanences et changements », Meirion Jones (dir.), La Demeure Seigneuriale du Monde Plantagenêt, XIe-XVIe siècles : Salles, Chambres et Tours, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, p. 327-343.
  • Cauneau J.-M., Philippe D., « Avatars d'une effigie princière. Les portraits de Louis Ier d'Anjou (XIVe-XIXe siècles) », Archives d'Anjou, 9 (2005), p. 5-25.
  • Chaigne-Legouy M, « Comptes féminins, contes du quotidien ? Les activités des duchesses de la seconde Maison d’Anjou à la lumière de leurs finances », Les activités quotidiennes. Questes, bulletin des jeunes chercheurs médiévistes, C. Le Cornec, I. Fabry (dir.), 15, 2008, p. 64-81.
  • Chaigne-Legouy M., Femmes au « cœur d’homme » ou pouvoir au féminin ? Les duchesses de la seconde Maison d’Anjou (1360-1481), Doctorat d’Histoire, Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, 2014 (dactylographié).
  • Chaigne-Legouy M., « La seconde Maison d’Anjou et le culte aux saintes Maries et Marthe : essai d’interprétation culturelle et politique des pratiques dévotionnelles princières », Sénéfiance, 59, 2013, Les arts et les lettres en Provence au temps du roi René, C. Connochie-Bourgne, V. Gontero-Lauze (dir.), p. 107-122.
  • Chaigne-Legouy M., « Pays de par deçà, pays de par delà. Les relations entre Angevins et Napolitains sous le regard de Jean le Fèvre, chancelier de la seconde Maison d’Anjou (1380-1388) », Construction et circulation des idées et des pratiques politiques. France-Italie (XIIIe-XVIe siècles), I. Taddei et A. Lemonde (dir.), Rome (Collection de l’EFR, 478), 2013, p. 148-186.
  • Chaigne-Legouy M., « Reine ordinaire, reine extraordinaire. La place de Jeanne de Laval et d’Isabelle de Lorraine dans le gouvernement de René d’Anjou », René d’Anjou (1409-1480). Pouvoirs et gouvernement, J.-M. Matz, N.-Y. Tonnerre (dir.), Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, p. 77-101.
  • Comte F., « L’enceinte d’Angers (XIIIe siècle) et son impact sur l’espace urbain », A. M. Santoro, P. Peduto (dir.), Archeologia dei castelli angioini (XIII-XV sec.), Medioevo Scavato, Actes du colloque tenu à Salerne (Italie) les 10, 11 et 12 novembre 2008, Salerne, 2011, p. 77-89.
  • Comte F., « L’enceinte gallo-romaine d’Angers devenue clôture canoniale : transformations, adaptations et déclassement d’une fortification (XIIIe-XVIe siècles) », In Situ, 16, 2011 ; DOI : 10. 4000/insitu.169
  • Comte F., « Le château et la ville : Angers (XIIIe-XVIe s.) », Revue archéologique du Centre de la France, 48, 2009,
  • Comte F., « Les lieux du pouvoir ducal à Angers au XVe siècle », Matz J.-M ., Tonnerre N.-Y. (dir.), René d’Anjou (1409-1480). Pouvoirs et gouvernement, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2011, p. 163-194.
  • Comte F., Dennys V., Heulot L., La ménagerie du roi René, Angers, Centre des Monuments nationaux, 2000, 25 p.
  • Congrès Archéologique de France. CXXIIe session : Anjou, Société Française d’Archéologie, Paris, 1964; 691 p.
  • Coville A., La vie intellectuelle dans les domaines d’Anjou-Provence de 1380 à 1435, Paris, 1941.
  • Cron É., La ville de Saumur du XVe au XVIIe siècle : urbanisme, architecture et société, doctorat d’histoire de l’art, université de Tours, 2005, 4 vol. (dactylographié).
  • Denéchère Y., Matz J.-M. (dir.), Histoire de l’université d’Angers, du Moyen Âge à nos jours, Rennes, 2012.
  • Duboscq G., « Charles d’Anjou et la possession du comté du Maine (1434-1473) », La Province du Maine, t. 15, 2e série, 1935, p. 8-16.
  • Dugal L.-Ph., « La création de l’université d’Angers et le pouvoir royal (fin XIVe-début XVe siècle) », Memini. Travaux et documents : Société des études médiévales du Québec, 5, 2001, p. 79-99.
  • Durandière R., « L'enceinte urbaine de Montreuil-Bellay à la fin du Moyen Âge : premières hypothèses », Archives d'Anjou, 9, 2005, p. 26-60.
  • Duris A.-S., Les étudiants en droit de l’université d’Angers à la fin du Moyen Âge (v. 1360-v. 1494), Mémoire de DEA d’histoire, Université d’Angers, 2001 (dactylographié), résumé dans « Profil sociologique des étudiants en droit de l’université d’Angers en 1378 », Annales de Bretagne et des pays de l’Ouest, 112, 2005, p. 65-84.
  • Espinay G. d’, « La sénéchaussée d’Anjou », Mémoires de la Société nationale d’agriculture, sciences et arts d’Angers, 4e série, t. 6, 1892, p. 33-118.
  • Espinay G. d’, « Institutions judiciaires de l’Anjou et du Maine. Compte rendu de l’œuvre de Ch.-J. Beautemps-Baupré », Mémoires de la Société nationale d’agriculture, sciences et arts d’Angers, 4e série, t. 11, 1897, p. 1-86.
  • Espinay G. d’, Les Cartulaires angevins. Étude sur le droit de l’Anjou au Moyen Âge, Angers, 1864.
  • Farcy L. de, Monographie de la cathédrale d’Angers, Angers, 1910-1926.
  • Galffy L., Angers au XIIIe siècle. Développement urbain, structures économiques et sociales, Maulévrier, 2013, 356 p.
  • Gaugain L., « Trèves (Maine-et-Loire), une tour résidentielle du XVe siècle », Salamagne A. (dir.), Le palais et son décor au temps de Jean de Berry, Tours, Presses universitaires François-Rabelais de Tours, 2010, p. 155-167.
  • Gautier M.-É., Avril F., Splendeur de l'enluminure, le roi René et les livres, catalogue de l'exposition présentée au château d'Angers, 3 octobre 2009-3 janvier 2010, Arles, Actes Sud, 2009, 415 p.
  • Godard-Faultrier V., « Le château d'Angers au temps du roi René. Les manoirs de ce prince à Chanzé, La Ménitré et Reculée, d'après quatre inventaires inédits, provenant des Archives de l'Empire », Mémoires de la Société impériale d'agriculture, sciences et arts d'Angers, nouvelle période, t. 9, 1866, p. 1-109.
  • Gontard de Launay L., Les avocats d’Angers, 1250-1789, Angers, 1888.
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  • Matz J.-M., « Princesse au pouvoir, femme de pouvoir ? L’action politique de Marie de Blois d’après le Journal du chancelier Jean Le Fèvre (1383-1388) », in Mélanges de l’École française de Rome. Moyen Âge, t. 129-2 (2017), Les princesses angevines. Femmes, identité et patrimoine dynastiques (Anjou, Hongrie, Italie méridionale, Provence, XIIIe-XVe siècle), Marie-Madeleine de Cevins, Gergely Kiss, Jean-Michel Matz dir., p. 379-391.
  • Matz J.-M., « Jean Michel, évêque d’Angers (1439-† 1447) : un ‘saint’ évêque réformateur ? », Crises et réformes dans l’Église, de la Réforme grégorienne à la préréforme. Actes du colloque d’Avignon (1990), Paris, 1991, p. 335-356.
  • Matz J.-M., « La noblesse angevine et l’Église au temps de la seconde maison d’Anjou (v. 1356-v. 1480) », Coulet N. et Matz J.-M. (dir.), La noblesse dans les territoires angevins à la fin du Moyen Âge. Actes du colloque d’Angers (1998), Rome, École française de Rome, 2000, p. 619-637.
  • Matz J.-M., « La culture d’un groupe clérical : les chanoines de la cathédrale d’Angers (milieu XIVe-début XVIe siècle) », Revue d’Histoire de l’Église de France, 88, 2002, p. 21-40.
  • Matz J.-M., « Les miracles de l’évêque d’Angers Jean Michel (1447-1545) », Heinzelmann M., Herbers K., Bauer D. R. (dir.), Mirakel im Mittelalter. Konzeptionen, Erscheinungsformen, Deutungen, Stuttgart, 2002 (Beiträge zur Hagiographie, 3), p. 377-398.
  • Matz J.-M., « La bibliothèque du chapitre cathédral d’Angers d’après l’inventaire de 1472 », Cevins M.-M. de et Matz J.-M. (dir.), Formation intellectuelle et culture du clergé dans les territoires angevins (milieu du XIIIe-fin du XVe siècle), Rome, École française de Rome, 2005, p. 185-220.
  • Matz J.-M., « Le chapitre et les chanoines de Saint-Martin d’Angers à la fin du Moyen Âge », Saint Martin et l’Anjou, numéro spécial des Archives d’Anjou. Mélanges d’histoire et d’archéologie angevines, 10, 2006, p. 22-41.
  • Matz J.-M., « La culture juridique des hommes d’Église en Anjou et dans le Maine (XIVe-début XVIe siècle) », Belvedere Meridionale. History and Social sciences, 27, 2015, p. 7-21.
  • Matz J.-M., « Le fonctionnement financier de la chancellerie des ducs d’Anjou-Provence d’après le Journal de Jean Le Fèvre (1381-1388) », Morelli S. (dir.), Periferie finanziarie angioine. Atti del convegno internazionale, Napoli-Capua (2014), Rome, École française de Rome, à paraître.
  • Matz J.-M., « Le chapitre cathédral d’Angers et le service du prince. Formation intellectuelle et pratiques culturelles des chanoines officiers des ducs d’Anjou (milieu XIVe-fin XVe siècle) », Mathieu I. et Matz J.-M. (dir.), Parcours universitaires et formations intellectuelles des officiers angevins (milieu XIIIe-fin XVe siècle). Actes du colloque d’Angers (2015), Rome, École française de Rome, à paraître.
  • Matz J.-M., « La chancellerie d’Anjou-Provence d'après le Journal de Jean Le Fèvre (1381-1388) », Guyotjeanin O. et Mattéoni O. (dir.), Les pratiques documentaires d’un fils de roi de France : Jean de Berry et l’écrit. Actes du colloque de Bourges (2016), Paris, à paraître.
  • Matz J.-M., « Les chanoines d’Angers au temps du Roi René (1434-1480) : serviteurs de l’État ducal et de l’État royal », Les serviteurs de l’État au Moyen Âge. Actes du 29e congrès de la Société des Historiens Médiévistes de l’Enseignement Supérieur Public, Pau (1998), Paris, 1999, p. 105-116.
  • Matz J.-M., « Les conflits de justice temporelle de l’évêque d’Angers : du comte au roi (fin XIIIe-milieu XIVe s.) », Boyer J.-P., Mailloux A., Verdon L. (dir.), La justice civile dans les territoires angevins. Théories et pratiques. Actes du colloque international d’Aix-en-Provence (2002), Rome, École française de Rome, 2005, p. 325-341.
  • Matz J.-M., « Un grand officier des princes angevins : le chancelier Jean Le Fèvre d’après son Journal (1381-1388) », Provence Historique, 64, 2014, Hommage à Jean-Paul Boyer, p. 313-325
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  • Pelloquet Th., Litoux E., Cussonneau Ch., Entre ville et campagne. Demeures du roi René en Anjou, s. l., Éditions 303, 2009, 72 p. (Images du patrimoine).
  • Pesche J.-R., Dictionnaire historique, topographique, biographique de la Sarthe, 6 tomes, Le Mans, 1829-1842, rééd. Paris, 1974.
  • Piponnier F., Costume et vie sociale. La cour d'Anjou, XIVe-XVe siècle, Paris-La Haye 1970, 429 p.
  • Port C., Dictionnaire historique, géographique et biographique de Maine-et-Loire, 1ère éd., Angers-Paris, 1874-1878, 3 vol. ; 2e éd., Angers, 1965-1996, 4 vol.
  • Pré M., « Les peintures murales des manoirs angevins du XVe siècle. Les origines, les artistes », Mémoires de l’académie des sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts d’Angers, Angers, 1967, p. 47-58.
  • Prigent D., Tonnerre N.-Y. (dir.), La construction en Anjou au Moyen Âge, Actes de la table ronde d'Angers des 29 et 30 mars 1996, Presses de l'Université d'Angers, Angers, p. 101-112.
  • Rangeard P., Histoire de l’université d’Angers (XIe-XVe siècle), Lemarchand A. (éd.), Angers, 1868-1877, 2 vol.
  • Reynaud M.-R., « Le service féodal en Anjou et Maine à la fin du Moyen Âge », Cahiers d’histoire, 24, 1979, p. 115-159.
  • Robin F., La Cour d'Anjou-Provence. La vie artistique sous le règne de René, Paris, Picard, 1985, 280 p.
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  • Sauvestre S., « Le chantier du château de Saumur au XIVe siècle, d’après les comptes de Macé Darne », Archives d’Anjou, 5, p. 19-33.
  • Tabbagh V., « Formation et activités intellectuelles des évêques d’Anjou, du Maine et de Provence à la fin du Moyen Âge », M.-M. de Cévins et J.-M. Matz dir., Formation intellectuelle et culture du clergé dans les territoires angevins (milieu du XIIIe - fin du XVe siècle), colloque d’Angers, 15-16 novembre 2002, Paris, 2005, p. 117-137.
  • Tonnerre N.-Y., É. Verry (dir.), Les princes angevins du XIIIe au XVe s. Un destin européen, Rennes, 2003.
  • Vacquet É. (dir.), Saint Louis et l’Anjou. Catalogue de l’exposition d’Angers (2014), Rennes, 2014.
  • Verry É., « Charles de Valois et les seigneurs d’Anjou (1290-1325) », Coulet N. et Matz J.-M. (dir.), La noblesse dans les territoires angevins à la fin du Moyen Âge. Actes du colloque international d’Angers-Saumur (1998), Rome, École française de Rome, 2000, p. 15-37.
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  • Viard J., « Gages des officiers royaux, vers 1329 », Bibliothèque de l’École des chartes, 51, 1890, p. 238-267.
  • Whiteley Mary, "The Château of the Dukes of Anjou at Saumur, 1360-1480", Anjou Medieval Art, Architecture and Archaeology, Éd. McNeill J. et Prigent D., The British Archaeological Association. Maney publishing. Conference transactions XXVI, General Editor Sarah Brown, p. 247-258.

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Communal Italy presentation

                    Communal Italy


Communal Italy has a composite political tradition: it is in fact the territory corresponding to the Regnum Italiae, which entered the orbit of the German empire in the Ottonian era. The autonomy of the urban institutions developed at the end of the 11th century, with the independent administration of the regalia and the emergence of communal magistrates. Despite the attempts of the Hohenstaufen, from Frederick I to Frederick II, the restoration of the imperial prerogatives in the communal area failed. Between the end of the 11th and the first half of the 13th century, Italian communes strengthened the political and ideological basis of their sovereignty. Within such a fragmented framework, the Angevin power entered 1259 the Cisalpine regions, when Charles I, then only count of Provence and Forcalquier, received the submission of the town of Cuneo; a few years later, he controlled many adjacent centres (Alba, Cherasco, Savigliano and Mondovì). This expansion was an outcome of the interest of the count for the control of trade routes between Provence and northern Italy, and especially for the monopoly of salt. A new and more massive Angevin communal expansion coincided with the expedition of conquest of the kingdom of Sicily, since the years 1265-1266; some Tuscan centres were subdued before 1279-1280 (Florence, Prato, Pistoia, Lucca, Siena, San Gimignano among others); Rome and several parts of the papal territories also entered Charles's area of influence. Finally, in the years 1279-1281, the surrender of many cities of Piedmont and Lombardy (Brescia, Alessandria, Piacenza, Cremona, Turin, Ivrea, Chieri, Casale Monferrato) increased his conquests.

San Gimignano, City museum, Sala di Dante, eastern wall, Azzo di Masetto (attributed),
The commune of San Gimignano swears its allegiance to an Angevin king,
fresco (detail), about 1290, ph Pierluigi Terenzi

The Angevin presence in the communal world fell in the last quarter of the 13th century, and started again, with new vigour, during the 14th century, when, particularly under Robert, new cities entered the Neapolitan galaxy: Genova, Asti, Pavia, Vercelli, Parma, Ferrara. The king had also an intermittent seigneury over some Tuscan communes (Firenze, Lucca, Pistoia, Prato), which he partially attributed (1326-1328) to his son Charles, duke of Calabria (Firenze, Siena, Prato, San Miniato, Colle Valdelsa). Robert was also named Senator of Rome and count of Romagna by the pope. The political control of Robert was more a league of cities, that overlapped with the Guelph league, than a real territorial domination. Yet, an effort of standardization and creation of a homogeneous government architecture is visible.

Within this complex, we can isolate four main areas, corresponding to the implementation of different structures of government of the territory.

  1. First, the Piedmontese and Lombard area, governed by a seneschal; his titles could change, but we can identify those of senescallus in partibus Lombardie under Charles of Anjou and senescallus comitatus Pedemontis et in partibus Lombardie under Charles II and Robert. The boundaries of this territory were variable; moreover, it was not an area of compact domination: it was globally bordered to the West by the Alps, to the East by the communal district of Brescia and to the South by the Emilian cities (Piacenza, Parma and Modena).
  2. Genoa was governed by a captain, who was independent of the seneschal of Lombardy. The city was controlled by the kings of Sicily between 1319 and 1335.
  3. In Tuscany, Charles I instituted a generalis vicarius, with judicial and military powers the task of collecting the fiscal contributions of cities for the Guelph army (taglia). However, even in this region, the Angevin domination was not compact; various centres refused to submit, or were controlled for a short period (Pisa). During the age of Robert, the central coordination disappeared, and the king only held a set of urban seigneuries; he was also captain of the Guelph league, acknowledged even by cities who had refused submission to his lordship.
  4. The papal territories had no central Angevin officer. Charles I and Robert were senators of Rome and named the vicarii of the city, while they did not always manage to appoint governors in the provinces of Campagna et Maritima, in the Patrimonium sancti Petri, in the duchy of Spoleto and in the march of Ancona. Romagna was controlled by Robert since 1310. Between 1404 and 1414 the Angevin dynasty sporadically regained control of parts of the papal territories, because of the military expansion carried out by Ladislaus.

As regards the local government of cities, it should be noted that the appointment of officers was subject to a contractual agreement with each community. There were cities where the king could provide lists of candidates for the title of podestà, among which the community could choose the officer. In other cities, the Angevin king and its major officers of the region directly named vicarii and podestà. However, many urban officers were not affected by the Angevin appointment prerogatives.

In the EUROPANGE database, communal Italy is represented by four political spaces, corresponding to the following areas: Piedmont and Lombardy, Genoa, Tuscany, papal territories (Italy). We entered in the database the urban officers appointed and confirmed by the sovereign or his major officers (e.g. vicarii and podestà, their judges and their notaries); we have eliminated all officers whose appointment by the Angevin sovereigns could not be proved or inferred. The sources do not always certainly indicate if an officer is properly an Angevin officer, so we sometimes were driven to make subjective choices, validated by the available information on the city, the office and the person in question.

Riccardo Rao, Pierluigi Terenzi

Communal Italy map

Communal Italy map

Communal Italy bibliography

Papal territories


Communal Italy

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Kingd. of Sicily presentation

                    The kingdom of Sicily


The kingdom of Sicily was founded by the Normans, in 1130. It encompassed the Mezzogiorno, from the island of Sicily to Campania and Abruzzi. It was adjacent to the lands of the Roman Church, of which he was a fief, and it fell by inheritance to the Hohenstaufen dynasty. As a result, after the death of Frederick II (1250), the papacy strived to separate the imperial crown from the title of king of Sicily and replaced the Swabian dynasty with an Angevin domination. Ten years after the first approaches, the pope chose Louis IX's brother, Charles of Anjou, who had become count of Provence thanks to his marriage with Beatrice. Charles was elected senator by the Romans in 1263, and crowned king of Sicily in 1266. He made his way to the kingdom with an army of knights from Provence and France; he defeated the Swabians in the battles of Benevento (February 26, 1266) and Tagliacozzo (August 23, 1268).

Naples, Santa Chiara, ph. Th. Pécout

The history of the Angevin kingdom of Sicily can be divided into two periods: the age of the first sovereigns, with Charles I, Charles II, Robert and Joanna I (1266-1382); and the age of the Anjou-Durazzo (1382-1435), with Charles III, Ladislaus and finally Joanna II. After the death of the latter, her legacy was disputed between the Anjou-Valois and the Aragonese. Joanna had successively appointed as his successor Alfonso V of Aragon (1421) and Louis III of Anjou-Valois (1423), whose rights were then claimed by his brother René (1434). In 1442, Alphonse V entered Naples and definitely took the power away from René.

In the age of Charles I the kingdom became the centre of the wide political construction built by the Angevins thanks to matrimonial politics, diplomatic strategy and military power. The king decided the marriages of his children: his heir, the future Charles II, with Marie of Hungary; Isabelle with Ladislaus, son of Bela IV of Hungary; Philip with Isabelle de Villehardouin, heiress of the principality of Achaia. His officers concluded submission agreements with many cities of central and northern Italy. The king was locally represented by vicarii and podestà. Charles I conquered Albania, took part in the crusade of Tunis and claimed the crown of king of Jerusalem, following his military occupation of Acre.

The kingdom went into a political crisis with the Sicilian Vespers, a revolt which began in Palermo on March 30, 1282, and which was followed by a relentless war against the Sicilians and Peter of Aragon, who had come to their rescue. The choice of Naples as the new capital, the ambitions of Peter of Aragon and Catalan merchants in the Mediterranean, the difficulties to control the officers were consequences of one of most tragic events in the history of the kingdom of Sicily.

Charles of Anjou died in Foggia on January 7, 1285. He left the kingdom threatened by powerful enemies, who arrived at the gates of Salerno. Four years later his son Charles II, long held captive by the Aragonese, was crowned king of Sicily by the pope (May 29, 1289); between 1285 and 1289, the Kingdom had been administered by Robert of Artois and the legate of the Roman Church, Gerardo di Parma. The papacy was also one of the proponents of the peace with Sicily, concluded on August 31, 1302 in Caltabellotta. Despite this agreement, the war continued until almost the end of the century. The queen Joanna I definitively renounced the island in 1378.

As regards the organization of the kingdom under the early Angevin rulers, it is worth to recall these points: the choice of Naples as its capital; the installation of vassals from Provence; the respect of Swabian administrative structures with, however, the introduction of practices of government coming from the Capetian institutions; the relationship with foreign merchants and the oligarchies of the most powerful cities in Tuscany and northern Italy; the rise of an indigenous apparatus of officers, formed in the Neapolitan Studium.

All these situations continued under the successors of Charles I. Furthermore, in a few decades, the court of Naples became one of the most active artistic and literary centres in western Europe. The capital had both a demographic and political growth. Its port, renovated, became a privileged stopover on the commercial roads of the Mediterranean. As a result, there was also a strong social and cultural development, which produced officers and groups of lawyers who reflected on the Constitutions of the kingdom. Officers from the Mezzogiorno were used in all Angevin territories. Charles II and especially Robert were the armed wing of the papacy, and continued the construction of a Guelph Italy against the ambitions of the Ghibellines and the emperors Henry VII and Louis the Bavarian.

Naples, nave of Santa Chiara, ph. A. Santoro

Despite her claims to continuity, Joanna I opened a new phase in the history of southern Italy. After the murder (1345) of Andrew of Hungary, husband of the queen, the kingdom was invaded by the Hungarian army and ravaged by the civil war between the two branches of the Anjou and the Anjou-Durazzo. The protagonists of this period were the patricians of the city of Naples and the indigenous vassals, such as the Sanseverinos and the Marzanos, and the great captains of military companies.

Despite her financial and military difficulties, the queen remained in close contact with the city of Marseille and Provence, where she sent many officers from Mezzogiorno. To consolidate her authority, she adopted Louis I of Anjou-Valois, brother of the king of France Charles V, as son and successor. Between 1381 and 1382, Joanna was defeated, imprisoned and murdered by his cousin Charles of Durazzo, son of Louis de Durazzo, third duke of his house. Charles was crowned king of Sicily, as Charles III, by the Roman pope Urban VI, but he died shortly after, in 1386, in Buda, where he had gone to claim the throne of Hungary. His wife, Margareth, regent for their ten-years-old son Ladislaus, ruled with the greatest determination: she fought against the son of Louis I of Anjou-Valois, Louis II, who claimed the crown of the kingdom of Sicily. The families of Anjou-Valois and Anjou-Durazzo disputed the power until the intervention of pope Boniface IX; the latter supported Ladislaus and gave him the crown of Sicily. In 1403, Ladislaus was also crowned king of Hungary. During his reign in southern Italy, he tried to reduce the power of feudalism; in this perspective, he married Mary of Enghien, widow of Raimondello Orsini, prince of Taranto; the Sanseverino family too was harshly punished.

At the beginning of the new century, southern Italy was again at the heart of the geopolitical map of the European West, but whit different political perspectives. Ladislaus was planning to create a kingdom of Italy and to expand its power to the adjacent lands of the papacy. He attacked Rome and Perugia, and he managed to expand his dominion up to Talamone, on the Tyrrhenian sea. The pope, who excommunicated him, a league of Italian cities and the return of Louis II of Anjou-Valois stopped Ladislaus for some time; but he resumed his projects when Louis II abandoned his ambitions in the Mezzogiorno. He was preparing to attack Florence, when he fell ill and was forced to return to Naples, where he died on August 6, 1414 at Castel dell'Ovo. His sister, Joanna II, succeeded him.

She retained her crown despite political difficulties. His disappearance in 1435 marked the natural extinction of the Capetians of Sicily. What better way to say that this family, first foreign, had then deeply taken root in the Mezzogiorno?

Serena Morelli

Kingd. of Sicily map

The kingdom of Sicily: Mario Cartaro, Nicolò Antonio Stigliola, The kingdom of Naples (1613), Naples National Library, ms. XII D 100, ph. A. Santoro

Kingd. of Sicily bibliography

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  • Toomaspoeg K., Les Teutoniques en Sicile (1197-1492), Roma, École française de Rome, 2003 (Collection de l’École française de Rome 321), 1011 p.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Base économique de l’expansion des bourgs siciliens. Exemple des possessions de l’Ordre Teutonique dans la zone Corleone-Vicari-Castronovo, 1220-1310 », in Actas del XVII Congreso de Historia de la Corona de Aragón, “El món urbà a la Corona d’Aragó del 1137 als decrets de Nova Planta”, Barcelona- Lleida, 7-12 septiembre 2000, Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, 2003, I, p. 595-604.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Le ravitaillement de la Terre Sainte : l’exemple des possessions des ordres militaires dans le royaume de Sicile au XIIIe siècle », in L’Expansion occidentale (XIe-XVe siècles). Formes et conséquences. XXXIIIe Congrès de la Société des historiens médiévistes de l’enseignement supérieur public (Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 23-26 mai 2002), Paris, Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2003 (SHMES, Histoire ancienne et médiévale 73), p. 143-158.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « L’Ordine Teutonico in Puglia e in Sicilia », in L’Ordine Teutonico nel Mediterraneo. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studio Torre Alemanna (Cerignola)-Mesagne-Lecce 16-18 ottobre 2003, dir. Hubert Houben, Galatina, Congedo, 2004 (Acta Theutonica 1), p. 133-160.
  • Toomaspoeg K., La contabilità delle Case dell’Ordine Teutonico in Puglia e in Sicilia nel Quattrocento, éd. Kristjan Toomaspoeg, Galatina, Mario Congedo Editore, 2005 (Acta Theutonica 2), 415 p.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « L’Ordine Teutonico in Sicilia. Una minoranza fra le altre », in Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken, t. 85 (2005), p. 104-126.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Der Deutsche Orden auf Sizilien : eine Minderheit unter anderen », in Vita communis und ethnische Vielfalt. Multinational zusammengesetzte Klöster im Mittelalter. Akten des internationalen Studientags vom 26. Januar 2005 im Deutschen Historischen Institut in Rom, dir. Uwe Israel, Berlin, Lit Verlag, 2006 (Vita Regularis. Ordnungen und Deutungen religiösen Lebens im Mittelalter. Abhandlungen, 29), p. 205- 224.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « L’economia dei Teutonici in Italia », in San Leonardo di Siponto. Cella monastica, canonica, domus Theutonicorum. Atti del Convegno internazionale (Manfredonia, 18-19 marzo 2005), dir. Hubert Houben, Galatina, Congedo, 2006 (Acta Theutonica 3), p. 133-151.
  • Toomaspoeg K., I Cavalieri Teutonici tra Sicilia e Mediterraneo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale (Agrigento, 24-25 marzo 2006), dir. Antonino Giuffrida, Hubert Houben, Kristjan Toomaspoeg, Galatina, Congedo, 2007 (Acta Theutonica 4).
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Der Deutsche Orden als Grund- und Kirchenherr in Italien », in Universitas Nicolai Copernici. Ordines militares. Colloquia Torunensia Historica 14 (2007) (= Die Ritterorden als Träger der Herrschaft : Territorien, Grundbesitz und Kirche, dir. Roman Czaja, Jürgen Sarnowsky), p. 187-201.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « I cavalieri teutonici tra Sicilia e Mediterraneo », in I Cavalieri Teutonici tra Sicilia e Mediterraneo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale (Agrigento, 24-25 marzo 2006), dir. Antonino Giuffrida, Hubert Houben, Kristjan Toomaspoeg, Galatina, Congedo, 2007 (Acta Theutonica 4), p. 75-90.
  • Toomaspoeg K., L’inchiesta pontificia del 1373 sugli Ospedalieri di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme nel Mezzogiorno d’Italia, éd. Mariarosaria Salerno, Kristjan Toomaspoeg, Bari, Adda Editore, 2008 (Università degli Studi della Calabria, Corso di Laurea in Storia e Conservazione dei Beni Culturali, Itineraria 10), 343 p.
  • Toomaspoeg K., L’Ordine Teutonico tra Mediterraneo e Baltico : incontri e scontri tra religioni, popoli e culture. Begegnungen und Konfrontationen zwischen Religionen, Völker und Kulturen. Atti del Convegno internazionale (Bari-Lecce-Brindisi, 14-16 settembre 2006), dir. Hubert Houben, Kristjan Toomaspoeg, Galatina, Congedo, 2008 (Acta Theutonica 5).
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Les Allemands, les juifs et les musulmans en Sicile : exemple d’une cohabitation médiévale », in Chrétiens, juifs et musulmans dans la Méditerranée médiévale. Études en hommage à Henri Bresc, dir. Benoît Grévin, Annliese Nef, Emmanuelle Tixier, Paris, De Boccard, 2008, p. 115-130.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « La pauvreté du clergé : le cas exemplaire des diocèses-cités du royaume de Sicile (XIe-XVe siècle) », in Puer Apuliae. Mélanges offerts à Jean-Marie Martin, dir. Errico Cuozzo, Vincent Déroche, Annick Peters-Custot, Vivien Prigent, Paris, Association des amis du Centre d’histoire et civilisation de Byzance, 2008 (Collège de France-CNRS. Centre de recherche d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance, Monographies 30), t. II, p. 661-689.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « La fine dei Templari in Sicilia (1305-1327) », in Religiones Militares. Contributi alla storia degli Ordini religioso-militari nel Medioevo, dir. Anthony Luttrell, Francesco Tommasi, Città di Castello, Selecta, 2008 (Biblioteca di Militia Sacra 2), p. 155-170.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « La politica fiscale di Federico II », in Federico II nel Regno di Sicilia. Realtà locali e aspirazioni universali. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi (Barletta, 19-20 ottobre 2007), dir. Hubert Houben, Georg Vogeler, Bari, Adda, 2008 (Quaderni del Centro di Studi Normanno-Svevi 2), p. 231-247.
  • Toomaspoeg K., Decimae. Il sostegno economico dei sovrani alla Chiesa del Mezzogiorno nel XIII secolo. Dai lasciti di Eduard Sthamer e Norbert Kamp, éd. Kristjan Toomaspoeg, Roma, Viella, 2009 (Ricerche dell’Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma 4), 606 p.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « L’“Italia Pontificia” e le vicende degli ordini religioso-militari nella Penisola », in Das Papsttum und das vielgestaltige Italien. Hundert Jahre Italia Pontificia, dir. Klaus Herbers, Jochen Johrendt, Berlin-New York, De Gruyter, 2009 (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Neue Folge 5), p. 593-614.
  • Toomaspoeg K., Riflessioni sul secondo volume dei diplomi di Federico II, in Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken, 89 (2009), p. 379-383.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Carrefour de la Méditerranée et arrière-pays de la croisade : les ordres religieux militaires et la mer au royaume de Sicile », in Les Ordres militaires et la mer. 130eCongrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, La Rochelle 2005, dir. Michel Balard, Paris, Éditions du CTHS, 2009 (Collection Actes des congres des sociétés historiques et scientifiques), p. 103-110.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « The Templars and their Trial in Sicily », in The Debate on the Trial of the Templars (1307-1314), dir. Jochen Burgtorf, Paul F. Crawford, Helen J. Nicholson, Farnham-Burlington, Taylor & Francis, 2010, p. 273-283.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Wohnkultur in Palermo, in Die Staufer und Italien. Drei Innovationsregionen im mittelalterlichen Europa », dir. Alfried Wieczorek, Bernd Schneidmüller, Stefan Weinfurter, Mannheim, Theiss, 2010, I, p. 319-324.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « La storia delle Chiese di Puglia e di Sicilia », in Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia, t. 64-2 (2010), p. 526-537.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Gli ordini religioso-militari e i pellegrinaggi : alcune riflessioni », in Territorio, culture e poteri nel Medioevo e oltre. Scritti in onore di Benedetto Vetere, dir. Carmela Massaro, Luciana Petracca, Galatina, Congedo, 2011, II, p. 587-608.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « L’Église et la fiscalité au royaume de Sicile (XIe-XIVe siècles) », in El dinero de Dios. Iglesia y fiscalidad en el occidente medieval (siglos XIII-XV), dir. Denis Menjot, Manuel Sánches Martínez, Madrid, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 2011, p. 91-100.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Les ordres religieux militaires et la diplomatie. Formes et enjeux », in Les relations diplomatiques au Moyen Âge. Formes et enjeux. XLIe Congrès de la SHMESP, Lyon, 3-6 juin, 2010, Paris, Éditions de la Sorbonne 2011 (Histoire ancienne et médiévale 108), p. 227-238.
  • Toomaspoeg K., Federico II e i cavalieri teutonici in Capitanata. Recenti ricerche storiche e archeologiche. Atti del Convegno internazionale (Foggia-Lucera-Pietra Montecorvino, 10-13 giugno 2009), dir. Pasquale Favia, Hubert Houben, Kristjan Toomaspoeg, Galatina, Congedo, 2012 (Acta Theutonica 7).
  • Toomaspoeg K., « The Teutonic Order in Italy : An Example of the Diplomatic Ability of the Military Orders », in The Military Orders, Volume 5. Politics and Power, dir. Peter W. Edbury, Burlington-Farnham, Ashgate, 2012, p. 273-282.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Charles Ier d’Anjou, les ordres militaires et la Terre Sainte », in As Ordens Militares. Freires, guerreiros, cavaleiros. Actas do VI Encontro sobre Ordens militares. Palmela, 10 a 14 de março de 2010, dir. Isabel Cristina Ferreira Fernandes, II, Palmela, GESOS, 2012, p. 761-777.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Die Behauptung des Deutschen Ordens in Italien », in Herrschaft, Netzwerke, Brüder des Deutschen Ordens im Mittelalter und Neuzeit. Vorträge der Tagung der Internationalen Historischen Kommission zur Erforschung des Deutschen Ordens in Marburg 2010, dir. Klaus Militzer, Weimar, VDG, 2012 (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des Deutschen Ordens 72, Veröffentlichungen der Internationalen Historischen Kommission zur Erforschung des Deutschen Ordens 12), p. 133-148.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « L’amministrazione del demanio regio e il sistema fiscale (1250-1266) », in Eclisse di un regno. L’ultima età sveva (1251-1268). Atti delle diciannovesime giornate normanno-sveve. Bari, 12-15 ottobre 2010, dir. Pasquale Cordasco, Marco Antonio Siciliani, Bari, Adda, 2012 (Centro di Studi Normanno- Svevi. Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro. Atti 19), p. 197-224.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Gli insediamenti templari, giovanniti e teutonici nell’economia della Capitanata medievale », in Federico II e i cavalieri teutonici in Capitanata. Recenti ricerche storiche e archeologiche. Atti del Convegno internazionale (Foggia-Lucera-Pietra Montecorvino, 10-13 giugno 2009), dir. Pasquale Favia, Hubert Houben, Kristjan Toomaspoeg, Galatina, Congedo, 2012 (Acta Theutonica 7), p. 183-214.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Guerriers et négociateurs de paix : les ordres religieux militaires du Moyen Âge », in Médiation, paix et guerre au Moyen Âge, dir. Michel Sot, Paris, Éditions du CTHS, 2012 (Actes des congrès nationaux des sociétés historiques et scientifiques), p. 75-85.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Le grenier des Templiers. Les possessions et l’économie de l’Ordre dans la Capitanate et en Sicile », in L’économie templière en Occident. Patrimoines, commerce, finances. Actes du colloque international (Troyes-Abbaye de Clairvaux, 24-26 octobre 2012, dir. Arnaud Baudin, Ghislain Brunel, Nicolas Dohrmann, Langres, Dominique Guéniot, 2013, p. 93-113.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Die Brüder des Deutschen Ordens in Italien », in Ordines Militares. Yearbook for the Study of the Military Orders, t. 19 (2014), p. 87-113.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Les ordres militaires dans les villes du Mezzogiorno », in Les ordres religieux militaires dans la ville médiévale (1100-1350), dir. Damien Carraz, Clermont-Ferrand, Presses Universitaires Blaise- Pascal, 2014, p. 171-185.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Frontiers and Their Crossing as Representation of Authority in the Kingdom of Sicily (12th-14th Centuries) », in Representations of Power at the Mediterranean Borders of Europe (12th-14th Centuries), dir. Ingrid Baumgärtner, Mirko Vagnoni, Megan Welton, Firenze, Sismel-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2014, p. 29-49.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Regno e Mediterraneo », in Il Mezzogiorno normanno-svevo fra storia e storiografia. Atti delle ventesime giornate normanno-sveve, Bari, 8-10 ottobre 2012, Bari, Mario Adda Editore, 2014 (Centro di Studi Normanno-Svevi. Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro. Atti 20), p. 217-236.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Les ordres militaires au service des pouvoirs monarchiques occidentaux », in Élites et ordres militaires au Moyen Âge. Rencontre autour d’Alain Demurger, dir. Philippe Josserand, Luís Filipe Oliveira, Damien Carraz, Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2015, p. 321-332.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « I Templari nel Mezzogiorno e nelle isole, in I Templari. Grandezza e caduta della “Militia Christi” », dir. Giancarlo Andenna, Cosimo Damiano Fonseca, Elisabetta Filippini, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2016 (Ricerche Storia), p. 75-83.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « “Quod prohibita de regno nostro non extrahant”. Le origini medievali delle dogane sulla frontiera tra il Regno di Sicilia e lo Stato pontificio (secc. XII-XV) », in Apprendere ciò che vive. Studi offerti a Raffaele Licinio, dir. Victor Rivera Magos, Francesco Violante, Bari, Edipuglia, 2017 (Mediterranea. Collana di studi storici 32), p. 495-526.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « I chierici al servizio dello stato nel Regno di Sicilia. Appunti di mobilità ecclesiastica (sec. XII-XIII) », in La mobilità sociale nel Medioevo italiano, t. 3, Il mondo ecclesiastico (secoli XII-XV), dir. Sandro Carocci, Amedeo De Vincentiis, Roma, Viella, 2017 (I libri di Viella 254), p. 337-359.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Palermo in the late Middle Ages : territory and population (13th-15th century) », in Urban Dynamics and Transcultural Communications in Medieval Sicily, dir. Theresa Jäckh, Mona Kirsch, Paderborn, Fink, 2017 (Mittelmeerstudien 17), p. 207-226.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Il confine terrestre del Regno di Sicilia. Conflitti e collaborazioni, forze centrali, locali e trasversali (XII-XV secolo) », in Ingenita curiositas. Studi sull’Italia medievale per Giovanni Vitolo, dir. Bruno Figliuolo, Rosalba Di Meglio, Antonella Ambrosio, Battipaglia, Lavegliacarlone, 2018, I, p. 125-144.
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  • Toomaspoeg K., « Ut die noctuque sic diligenter et fideliter ipsa debeant custodire. Quelques réflexions sur la carrière des officiers frontaliers du royaume de Sicile sous Charles Ier et Charles II d’Anjou (1266-1309) », in Les officiers et la chose publique dans les territoires angevins (XIIIe-XVe siècle) : vers une culture politique ? – Gli ufficiali e la cosa pubblica nei territori angioini (XIII-XV secolo) : verso una cultura politica, dir. Thierry Pécout, École française de Rome, Roma, 2020, p. 119-149.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Johanniter, Templer und Deutscher Order in Italien (12.-15. Jahrhundert) », in Deutschordensgeschichte aus internationaler Perspektive. Festschrift für Udo Arnold zum 80. Geburtstag, dir. Roman Czaja, Hubert Houben, Weimar, VDG, 2020 (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des Deutschen Ordens 85), p. 329-355.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « La rete castellare tra ordinamento militare e civile », in Oltre l’alto medioevo : etnie, vicende, culture nella Puglia normanno-sveva. Atti del XXII Congresso internazionale di studio sull’alto medioevo. Savelletri di Fasano (BR), 21-24 novembre 2019, Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medioevo, 2020, p. 175-202.
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  • Vitolo P., « Familiaris domesticus et magister noster. Roberto d’Oderisio e l’istituto della familiaritas nella Napoli angioina », Rassegna Storica Salernitana, 45 (2007), p. 13-34.
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  • Vitolo P., « Imprese artistiche e modelli di regalità al femminile nella Napoli della prima età angioina », Archivio storico per le province napoletane, CXXVI (2009), p. 1-54.
  • Vitolo P., «Con animo virile». Donne e potere nel Mezzogiorno medievale (secoli XI-XV), atti del convegno « Donne e potere nel Mezzogiorno medievale. Secoli XI-XV » (Università degli Studi di Bari, 29 settembre 2008), Patrizia Mainoni (dir), Rome, 2010, p. 263-318.
  • Vitolo P., « La chiesa di Santa Maria del Casale a Brindisi in età angioina. A proposito di un libro recente », Rassegna Storica Salernitana, 62 (2014), p. 195-204.
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  • Vitolo P., « Miles Christi : san Ladislao d’Ungheria tra mito cavalleresco e culto dinastico. Il ciclo pittorico all’Incoronata di Napoli », « La battaglia nel Rinascimento meridionale : Moduli narrativi tra parole e immagini », atti del convegno (Napoli-Santa Maria Capua Vetere-Teggiano, 14-17 aprile 2010), Giancarlo Abbamonte, Joana Barreto, Teresa d’Urso, Alessandra Perriccioli Saggese, Francesco Senatore, Rome, 2011, p. 43-56.
  • Vitolo P., « Royauté et modèles culturels entre Naples, la France et l’Europe. Les années de Robert et de Jeanne Ire d'Anjou (1309-1382) », Jean-Paul Boyer, Anne Mailloux, Laure Verdon (dir), Identités angevines. Entre Provence et Naples XIIIe-XVe siècle, Presses Universitaires de Provence, Aix-en-Provence 2016, p. 247-266.
  • Vitolo P., « Un maestoso e quasi regio mausoleo » : il sepolcro Coppola nel Duomo di Scala, Rassegna Storica Salernitana, 40 (2004), p. 11-50.
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  • Vitolo P., Tino di Camaino, Saint-Benoît, Dominique Thiébaut (dir), Giotto e compagni, Musée du Louvre (18 avril-15 juillet 2013), Paris-Milano, Musée du Louvre, 2013, p. 174-175.
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  • Widemann Fr., « Jean de Comines, religieux et homme politique. Enquête sur un procès à la cour de Charles Ier d’Anjou, roi de Sicile (Comines avant 1233 ?-Poitiers, 24 juin 1308) », P. Peduto et F. Widemann dir, L’ambiente culturale a Ravello nel Medioevo. Il caso della famiglia Rufolo, Bari, 2000, p. 165-241.
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  • Wille Fr., « Quod sumus hoc eritis: die Begegnung von Lebenden und Toten im Regnum der Anjou », T. Michalsky (dir), Medien der Macht. Kunst zur Zeit der Anjous in Italien, Berlin, 2001, p. 225-239.
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  • Zanichelli G., « La rappresentazione delle virtù cardinali a Napoli nell’età di Boccaccio », Boccaccio e Napoli,. Nuovi materiali per la storia culturale di Napoli nel Trecento, Atti del convegno Boccaccio angioino. Per il VII centenario della nascita di Giovanni Boccaccio, Napoli-Salerno, 23-25 ottobre 2013, Firenze, 2014, p. 267-276.
  • Zenari R., Saggio storico. I primi anni del regno di Giovanna Ia di Napoli, Massa Marittima, 1925.

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Kingd. of Jerusalem presentation

Armoiries Anjou_Sicile_Jérusalem                    The Kingdom of Jerusalem (1277-1284)


Acre, la vieille ville depuis l'enceinte
Acre, la vieille ville depuis l'enceinte
cl. D. Carraz

After the fall of Jerusalem in 1244, the capital of the kingdom was moved to St. Jean d'Acre. The Latin domination succumbed to the onslaught of the Mamluk sultan of Egypt, Al-Malik az-Zâhir Rukn ad-Dîn Baybars al-Bunduqdari (1260-1277), who made his way to Galilee in 1263 (conquest of Nazareth, Mount Tabor and probably Belvoir), then took Caesarea (March 5, 1265), Haifa (1266), Safed (25 July 1266), Toron (1266), Jaffa (March 7, 1268), Antioch (May 18, 1268), and the Krak des Chevaliers (February 8, 1271). Al-Mansûr Sayf ad-Dîn Qala’ûn al-Alfî (1279-1290) conquered Marqab on May 25, 1285, Lattakia in 1287 and Tripoli on April 28, 1289. But the Treaty of May 1283 still mentions Haifa, Toron and Safed as Frankish possessions. Baybars's son, Al-Achraf Salâh ad-Dîn Khalîl ben Qala'ûn (1290-1293), completed the conquest besieging Acre which fell on May 28, 1291, then Tyre (June 1291), Saida (July 14, 1291), Atlit and Beirut (21 July 1291), Tartus and Château-Pèlerin (3 and 14 August 1291), while the island of Arwad, near Tartous, and Gibelet (J'bail) remained in the hands of the Latins until 1302. From 1291, the kingship of Jerusalem was a title without territorial content, transmitted by the kings and queens of the two houses of Anjou until the end of the 15th century.

Charles of Anjou was familiar with the Holy Land and its challenges since the crusade of 1248-1254. In addition, during the crusade of 1270, he had formed a dependent area in Ifriqiya at the expense of the Hafsid sultan. At the end of the crusade of Tunis, Charles and Robert of Artois imposed a tribute to Abû `Abd Allah Muhammad al-Mustansir (1249-1277), with the treaty of October 30, 1270. This obligation, that the Angevins established in continuity with the Normans and the Staufen, was actually fulfilled in the years that followed. In September 1272, Charles I dispatched to Tunis Robert the Infant, Matteo Riso of Messina and Nicolò Ebdemonia of Palermo, Giovanni da Lentini and Giacomo of Tassis, prior of the Hospital of Messina, to receive the payment. Other missions with the same purpose were dispatched in November 1275 and April 1278. The sultan of Tunis is referred to as “tributarium nostrum nobisque confederatum”. But the King of Aragon tied increasingly close contacts with the Hafsids and the secession of Sicily in 1282 cut the Angevins of their African area of influence, while Charles was involved in the struggle for the kingship of Jerusalem.

When Conradin, who had inherited from his grandfather Frederic II († 1250) and his father Conrad IV († 1254) the title of king of Jerusalem, was executed in 1268, the royal title was contested between cousins Hugues III of Lusignan (1269-1284) and Mary (†c. 1307) daughter of Bohemond IV of Antioch. The first passed it to his dynasty who also held the kingship of Cyprus, while Mary of Antioch soon assigned its rights to Charles of Anjou, probably on January 15, 1277 (the treaty has not survived). In the spring of 1277, Ruggero Sanseverino († 1285), count of Marsico, set up a fleet in Brindisi, landed on June, 7, captured Acre in September and deposed the constable and bailiff, Balian of Ibelin (d. 1277), with the support of the order of the Temple and the Venetians, who were well established in Tyre. He took possession of the kingdom, received tributes and ruled the territory on behalf of Charles of Anjou until 1282, with the title of bailiff of the kingdom of Jerusalem. But Charles I began to wear the title and arms of king of Jerusalem only at the beginning of the month of July 1277.

Acre, structure du port
Acre, structure du port
cl. D. Carraz


During the Angevin period, the territory controlled by the seneschal Eudes Poilechien covered a coastal strip polarized around strongholds and cities, which still seems remarkably populous. The Treaty mentions many dependent cities and villages: Acre and 73 villages; Saida and 15 villages; Haifa and 7 villages up to Mount Carmel; Atlit; Tyre and the Tolon with 99 villages; Safed and its 160 villages, in addition to the areas controlled by the Hospital near Caesarea. During the 13th century, the administration of the kingdom had a clear evolution, due in part to the reduction of its territory to a few strongholds and to the weakness or absence of the sovereigns. Thus, the offices of chamberlain, butler and chancellor disappeared. On the other hand, several offices related to military command were born around the constable and his second marshal, the seneschal, as well as the function of bailiff (a real viceroy), or those of viscount (responsible for the urban police and justice in Acre) and chatelain. In 1277, Eudes Poilechien, a French noble, nephew of cardinal Simon of Brie and settled in the land of Otranto, was appointed seneschal; Richard of Neublans, native of Burgundy, constable; Jacques Vidal marshal; Girard le Raschas viscount of Acre; Guillaume of Roussillon, lord of Annonay, then Milon of Haifa (Miles de Caiphas) captains. From 1282, Charles of Anjou mandated the seneschal Eudes Poilechien to defend the city of Acre.

Atlit depuis le cimetière croisé
Atlit depuis le cimetière croisé
cl. D. Carraz


The Angevins were faced with a powerful and divided local nobility. For example, the remains of the principality of Antioch and the county of Tripoli were controlled by Bohemond VII; Tyre was under the lordship of Jean of Montfort (1270-1283) and then of his son Onfroy of Montfort (1283-1284); Beirut was controlled by Isabelle of Ibelin (1264-1282), then by her brother-in-law Onfroy of Montfort (1282-1283). Military orders, such as Templars and Hospitallers, kept several fortresses but remained loyal to the king of Sicily, under the guidance of their masters Guillaume of Beaujeu (1273-1291) and Nicolas of Lorgne (1277-1284). The Angevin supporters kept peace with the sultan Qala’ûn as well as neutrality towards the Mongols, which led in May 1283 to the renewal of the ten-year truce concluded on April 22, 1272 in Caesarea.

The Angevin domination only lasted a few years and did not continue after the reign of Charles of Anjou. After the latter's death, the son of Hugues III, Henri II of Lusignan († 1324), took Acre by negotiating on June 29, 1286, and held the city until its fall against the troops of the sultan in 1291.


Thierry Pécout (with the help of Damien Carraz)


*Armoiries : Carpentras, Bibl. Inguimbertine, ms 1770, fol. 470.

Kingd. of Jerusalem map

Kingd. of Jerusalem bibliography

  • Balard M., « Carlo I d’Angiò e lo spazio mediterraneo », G. Musca (éd.), L’eredità normanno-sveva nell’età angioina : persistenze e mutamenti nel Mezziogiorno. Atti delle quindicesime giornate normanno-sveve, Bari, 22-25 ottobre 2002, Bari, 2004, p. 85-100.
  • Baldwin Ph. B., « Charles of Anjou, Pope Gregory X and the crown of Jerusalem », Journal of Medieval History, 38, 2012, 4, p. 424-442.
  • Barag D., « A New Source Concerning the Ultimate Borders of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem », Israel exploration journal, 29, 1979, p. 197-217.
  • Borghese G. L., Carlo I d’Angiò e il Mediterraneo. Politica, diplomazia e commercio internazionale prima dei Vespri, Rome, 2008.
  • Carraz D., « Christi fideliter militantium in subsidio Terre Sancte. Les ordres militaires et la première maison d’Anjou (1246-1342) », I. C. Ferreira Fernandes (dir.), As Ordens Militares e as Ordens de Cavalaria entre o Ocidente e o Oriente, (Actas do V Encontro sobre Ordens Militares, Palmela, 15 a 18 de fevereiro de 2006), Palmela, 2009, p. 549-582.
  • Carraz D., « Pro servitio maiestatis nostre. Templiers et hospitaliers au service de la diplomatie de Charles Ier et Charles II », Z. Kordé, I. Petrovics (dir.), La diplomatie des États angevins aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles. Actes du colloque international de Szeged-Visegrád-Budapest, 13-16 septembre 2007, Rome-Szeged, 2010, p. 21-42.
  • Claverie P.-V., « Un exemple de transfert logistique lié à la défense de la Terre Sainte : Le passage en Orient de Guillaume de Roussillon (1275) », M. Balard, A. Ducellier (dir.), Migrations et diasporas méditerranéennes (Xe-XVIe siècles), Paris, 2002, p. 475-483.
  • Claverie P.-V., « L'ordre du Temple au cœur d'une crise politique majeure : la Querela Cypri des années 1279-1285 », Le Moyen Âge, t. 104, 1998, 3-4, p. 495-507.
  • Crawford, P. F., « Did the Templars Lose the Holy Land? The Military Orders and the Defense of Acre, 1291 », France J. (dir.), Acre and its Falls, Leiden, 2018, p. 105-115.
  • Crouzet-Pavan E., Le mystère des rois de Jérusalem, Paris, 2013. 
  • Dodu G., Histoire des institutions monarchiques dans le royaume latin de Jérusalem (1099-1291), Paris, 1891.
  • Durrieu P., Les Archives angevines de Naples, étude sur les registres du roi Charles Ier (1265-1285), 1, Paris, 1886, p. 189, p. 202-203.
  • Edbury P. W., The Kingdom of Cyprus and the Crusades, 1191-1374, Cambridge, 1991.
  • Favreau-Lilie M. L., « The Fall of Acre (1291): Considerations of Annalists in Genoa, Pisa, and Venice (13th/14th–16th Centuries) », France J. (dir.), Acre and its Falls, Leiden, 2018, p. 166-182.
  • Folda J., Crusader Art in the Holy Land, From the Third Crusade to the Fall of Acre, Cambridge, 2005.
  • France J. (dir.), Acre and its Falls, Leiden, 2018.
  • Gilmour-Bryson A., « The Fall of Acre, 1291, and Its Effect on Cyprus », France J. (dir.), Acre and its Falls, Leiden, 2018, p. 116-129.
  • Grousset R., Histoire des croisades et du royaume franc de Jérusalem, 3, 1188-1291. L'anarchie franque, Paris, 1936.
  • Hélary X., « Les rois de France et la Terre sainte, de la croisade de Tunis à la chute d’Acre (1270-1291) », Annuaire-Bulletin de la société de l'histoire de France, 2007, année 2005, p. 21-104.
  • Khamisy R. G., « The Treaty of 1283 between Sultan Qalawun and the Frankish Authorities of Acre : a New Topographical Discussion », Israel exploration journal, 64, 2014, p. 72-102.
  • Major B., Medieval Rural Settlements in the Syrian Coastal Region (12th and 13th Centuries), Oxford, 2016.
  • La Monte J. L., Feudal Monarchy in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem (1100-1291), Cambridge (MA), 1932.
  • Mas Latrie J. M. J. L. de, Histoire de l'île de Chypre sous le règne des princes de la maison de Lusignan, 1, Paris, 1861, p. 455-480.
  • Nicolle D., Acre 1291: Bloody sunset of the Crusader states, Oxford, 2005.
  • Prawer J., Histoire du royaume latin de Jérusalem, 2, Les croisades et le second royaume de Jérusalem, Paris, 1969 (rééd. 2001).
  • Purcell M., Papal Crusading Policy : the Chief Instruments of Papal Crusading Policy and Crusade to the Holy Land from the Final Loss of Jerusalem to the Fall of Acre (1244-1291), Leiden, 1975.
  • Riley-Smith J., « The Crown of France and Acre (1254-1291) », D. H. Weiss, L. J. Mahoney, L. Cindrich (dir.), France and the Holy Land : Frankish Culture at the End of the Crusades, Baltimore, 2004, p. 45-62.
  • Riley-Smith J., The feudal Nobility and the Kingdom of Jerusalem (1174-1277), Londres, 1974, p. 225-228, 314.
  • Toomaspoeg K., « Charles Ier d’Anjou, les ordres militaires et la Terre Sainte », I. C. Ferreira Fernandes (dir.), As Ordens militares. Freires, guerreiros, cavaleiros. Actas do VI Encontro sobre Ordens militares, 2, Palmela, 2012, p. 760-777.
  • Borghese G. L., « Les rapports entre le royaume de Sicile et l'Afrique du nord (Ifrîqiya et Égypte) sous le règne de Charles Ier d'Anjou (1266-1285) », Grévin B. (dir.), Maghreb-Italie. Des passeurs médiévaux à l’orientalisme moderne (XIIe-milieu XXe siècle), Rome, 2010, p. 49-66.
  • Dufourcq Ch.-E., « La couronne d’Aragon et les Hafsides au XIIIe siècle », Analecta Sacra Tarraconensia, 25, 1952, p. 51-63.
  • Fodale S., s. v. « Lentini, Giovanni da », Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, 64, Rome, 2005, p. 373-376.
  • Hélary X., La dernière croisade, Paris, 2016.
  • Longnon J., « Charles d'Anjou et la croisade de Tunis », Journal des savants, 1974, p. 44-61.
  • Lower M., The Tunis Crusade of 1270 : a Mediterranean History, Oxford, 2018.
  • Rugolo C. M., s. v. « De Riso, Matteo », Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, 39, Rome, 1991, p. 132-135.
  • Sternfeld R., Ludwigs des Heiligen Kreuzzug nach Tunis 1270 und die Politik Karls I. von Sizilien, Berlin, 1896.
  • The “Templar of Tyre”: Part III of the “Deeds of the Cypriots”, Crawford P. F. (trad.), London, 2003.

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Kingd. of Hungary presentation

                    The kingdom of Hungary


Castle of Diósgyőr (Miskolc, northern Hungary),
ph. Enikö Csukovits

Christian Hungary was founded by the first Hungarian king, Stephen I, in the year 1000. The kings of his dynasty, the Árpád house, reigned between 1000 and 1301. The kingdom included the basin of the Carpathians, a territory of more than 300 000 km². According to a formula set in the 13th century, the titles of the kings of Hungary listed the names of nine countries or provinces: «by the grace of God, king of Hungary, Dalmatia, Croatia, Raška, Serbia, Galicia, Lodomeria, Cumania, and Bulgaria». The reign of the kings of Hungary over Croatia began in 1091, and ranged from 1102 until 1918; the coronation as king of Hungary automatically legitimized the reign on Croatia. The kings of Hungary had the title of king of Dalmatia since 1106, but this territory was disputed by the Hungarians and the Venetians. The other elements of the title refer to short periods of effective domination and were only presumptive titles. Because of territorial remoteness, two entities under special government were formed, which are often called regnum by the sources, but were never included among the titles of the kings of Hungary: Transylvania in the East and Slavonia South of the Drava River. It should be noted that the territory of medieval Croatia and that of today's Croatia do not match: in the Middle Ages, only the territories South of the Kapela mountain were part of Croatia, while those located between the river Drava and the Kapela mountain were part of Slavonia.

The kingdom of Hungary was on the border of two cultural areas: western Christianity ended on its eastern and southern frontier; continuing his route, the traveller would reach Orthodox or even pagan lands. Until the middle of the 14th century, along the border of Poland and Hungary, there was the principality of Galicia. The lands beyond its eastern border were controlled by the nomad empire of the Golden Horde of Tartars, from which two autonomous principalities emerged during the 14th century: the two Romanian voivodeships. The southern neighbours of Hungary were Serbia and, on a short part of the lower Danube, Bulgaria.

The rule of the Angevin dynasty in Hungary lasted almost a century, with three generations, from 1301 to 1395. The claims of this family based on the marriage of Charles II of Sicily, son of Charles I of Sicily, with the Hungarian princess Mary. In the year 1292 the son of Charles II and Mary, Charles Martel, took the presumptive title of «king of Hungary», but he never set foot in the country. Following his early death, his son Charles, still a child, had the task to conquer the Hungarian crown. The young pretender arrived in Hungary in 1300. After a bitter armed struggle, he succeeded, at the beginning of the 1320s, to put an end to the long division of the kingdom and to become one of the most powerful princes of eastern Europe. In 1335, he played the role of mediator between the two kings Casimir III (the Great) of Poland and John of Bohemia.

Castle of Diósgyőr, internal court, ph. Enikö Csukovits

Charles I of Hungary left the crown to his eldest son Louis, also heir to the Polish throne, following the treaty of succession concluded in 1339. In 1333, Charles personally led his younger brother Andrew to Naples, to engage him with Joanna, the granddaughter and heir to king Robert of Sicily. According to the agreement between the two kings, the young couple would succeed to the throne of Naples. After the death of Charles in 1342, Louis was crowned king of Hungary without obstacles, but the Neapolitan project failed: prince Andrew was murdered in 1345.

Louis I led a foreign policy of expansion by countless military campaigns, which rarely resulted in real and stable territorial acquisitions; however, he managed to widen the area of influence of the kingdom. Under the pretext of the murder of his brother, he led a campaign against Naples in 1348; he occupied the country and took the title of king of Jerusalem and Sicily. But, despite a second campaign and several military victories, he had to conclude an agreement with queen Joanna in 1352: he did not renounce his claims to the throne, but his troops left Italy. In the years 1356-1357 he established his domination on the coast of Dalmatia, which was reinforced by two peace agreements with Venice in 1358 and 1381. After Casimir III’s death in 1370, Louis was crowned king of Poland, following the treaty of succession. In the last years of his life, the Neapolitan affairs took a positive turn: in 1381, his protégé prince Charles of Durazzo took possession of Naples and was crowned as king Charles III, after the murder of the queen Joanna. In 1385, Charles was asked by a group of notables to claim the Hungarian Crown, but he was assassinated in February 1386.

Louis the Great had no male heir, so his two crowns were divided. After his father’s death in 1382, Mary became the first regnant queen of Hungary, while her sister Hedwig came to the Polish throne in 1384. Hedwig had to marry the grand duke of Lithuania, Jagiełło, while Mary married Sigismund of Luxembourg. The two sisters died young, at the birth of their first born: Mary in 1395, Hedwig in 1399. They carried their respective royal titles until their death, but the real authority was in the hands of their husbands.

Enikő Csukovits, Judit Csákó

Kingd. of Hungary map

Kingd. of Hungary bibliography

Manuscript sources

Database of Hungarian medieval archival sources

Published narrative sources

  • Szentpétery E. (éd.), Scriptores rerum Hungaricarum tempore ducum regumque stirpis Arpadianae gestarum, I–II, Budapestini, 1937–1938.
  • Thurócz J. de, Chronica Hungarorum, I, Textus, éd. E. Galántai et J. Kristó, Budapest, 1985 (Bibliotheca scriptorum medii recentisque aevorum. Series Nova, 7)

Published archival sources, regesta


General and collective works

  • Csukovits E., Az Anjouk Magyarországon, I, I. Károly és uralkodása (1301–1342) [Les Angevins en Hongrie I, Charles Ier et son règne], Budapest, 2012 (Magyar Történelmi Emlékek, Értekezések)
  • Csukovits E. (dir.), L’Ungheria angioina, Roma, 2013 (Bibliotheca Academiae Hungariae – Roma. Studi, 3)
  • Engel P., Kristó Gy., Kubinyi A., Histoire de la Hongrie médiévale. Tome 2. Des Angevins aux Habsbourgs, Rennes, 2008, p. 19-111.
  • Engel P., The Realm of St Stephen. A History of Medieval Hungary, 895-1526, London – New York, 2001, p. 124-197.
  • Hóman B., Gli Angioni di Napoli in Ungheria, 1290–1403, Versica dall’ungherese di Luigi Zambra e Rodolfo Mosca, Roma, 1938.
  • Kristó Gy., Engel P. et Makk F. (éd.), Korai magyar történeti lexikon (9-14. század) [Dictionnaire de la Hongrie médiévale, 9-14e siècles] Budapest, 1994.
  • Pór A., Nagy Lajos 1326–1382 [Louis le Grand, 1326–1382], Budapest, 1892 (Magyar történeti életrajzok). (1) & (2)
  • Vardy S. B., Grossschmid G., Domonkos L. S. (dir.), Louis the Great, King of Hungary and Poland, New York, 1986 (East European monographs, 194)


Thematic studies (political élite, history of institutions and offices)

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Kingd. of Poland presentation

                    The kingdom of Poland


The Kingdom of Poland was dominated between 1370 and 1385 by the Angevin dynasty of Hungary. It included a set of territories formed by the Small Poland («New Poland», around Krakow and Tarnów), the Great Poland («Old Poland», around Gniezno and Poznań) as well as the northern regions of Masovia and Kuyavia. These provinces constituted the core of the Polish country. In the East the State included, thanks to the recent conquests of Casimir III the Great (1333-1370), Galicia, Podolia and the western part of the Volynia. Despite its previous tormented history, the kingdom became under the Piast restoration (1320-1385) one of the most important powers of central Europe.

The court of Collegium Majus, Krakow, ph. Enikö Csukovits

The Polish monarchy has its roots in 966, when Mieszko (963-992), prince of the Slavic tribe of the Polans, built on the banks of the river Warta (the future Great Poland), converted to Christianity. His son Bolesław I the Valiant (992-1025) founded the archbishopric of Gniezno (which marked the birth of the Polish church, independent of the empire) and was crowned as king in 1025. After the death of his successor, Mieszko II (1025-1034), the country fell into chaos. The centre of political power moved from Great Poland to Little Poland. The fragmentation of the kingdom took place first in 1058, when the power was divided between the sons of Casimir I the Restorer (1034-1058). Although Bolesław III Wrymouth (1102-1138) could reunite Poland in 1106, his sons divided the territory in 1138; the political dismemberment continued during the two following centuries.

The author of the chronicles of Bolesław III, who had a Frankish origin and is known as Gaul anonymous, gives a first mention of the ancestor of the dynasty: the prince Piast, whose name was used, in the historical works of the 19th century, to designate the first royal house of Poland.

During the 13th century, despite the lack of unity, the Polish duchies had an economic development thanks to the German merchants who arrived in large numbers and made their cities flourish. In 1226, the Teutonic order, expelled from Hungary, answered the call of the duke Conrad of Masovia († 1247) and settled in Pomerania. Besides having the role of protectors of the northern borders against the pagan Prussians, the knights managed to found a new State, whose growth gradually separated Poland from the Baltic sea. In 1241, the Mongols invaded the Polish lands, but after their victory over the armies of the duke Henry II the Pious († 1241) in the battle of Legnica (Silesia) their progress stopped. Following futile attempts of unification, the Czech Přemysl dynasty seized power at the turn of the 13th and the 14th century, but its power fell a few years later because of the death of Wenceslaus III (1305-1306). This allowed Władysław I the Elbow-high («Łokietek» in Polish) to unify the duchies after two decades of struggle. In 1320, the Duke became king in Krakow.

Under the reigns of Władysław I (1320-1333) and Casimir III the Great (1333-1370), the kingdom of Poland became a significant State in central Europe, but the Piasts had to deal with the claim to the throne of the Luxembourg dynasty (heir to the kingdom of Bohemia), as well as the growing power of the Teutonic order in the Baltic regions. They therefore sought the alliance of the Angevin king of Hungary, Charles I (1308-1342), married since 1320 to Elizabeth, daughter of Władysław I. The latter sovereign acted as the mediator of a compromise between Casimir III and John I of Luxembourg (1310-1346): according to the treaty of Visegrád (1335), the king of Bohemia renounced the throne of Poland in exchange for Silesia. Casimir also dealt with the Teutonic knights: with the agreement of Kalisz in 1343, the order promised to pay compensation for the loss of Gdańsk by the Polish kingdom, giving Casimir the region of Kuyavia. Casimir grew the territory of his country by attacking Lithuania in 1340.

The last king of the Piast dynasty is known in the historiography to have reinforced the Polish State by centralizing administration and reforming the judicial institutions and the royal taxation system. Casimir founded the University of Krakow in 1364.

In 1370, Casimir III died without male heirs and Louis I the Great (king of Hungary in 1342-1382 and king of Poland in 1370-1382), son of Charles I of Hungary, succeeded him to the throne. The years from 1370 to 1382 were the period of the Polish-Hungarian personal union. The new king was received in Stary Sącz (a town on the border between the kingdom of Hungary and the kingdom of Poland) by a part of the Polish aristocracy, while another part of the political élite attended Casimir's funeral in the cathedral of the royal castle of the Wawel in Krakow. These events represent the divergent views concerning Louis's arrival to power: while the lords of the Small Poland welcomed the rule of the Angevin dynasty, the magnates of the Big Poland (those who did not meet the new king) would have preferred the advent to the throne of the Luxembourg dynasty. The succession to the throne had been determined by the political treaties between Casimir and the Angevin rulers of Hungary; the throne was also assured to Louis by his kinship with the Piasts: Casimir left his country to the son of his sister Elisabeth. The negative image which Polish historiography painted of Louis's reign is mostly due to the biased account of John of Czarnków, an historian belonging to the opposition to the Angevin monarch, who showed no sympathy for the successor of the last Piast. In 1374, Louis issued the famous charter of Kassa (today Košice in Slovakia), in which he settled several questions related to the government of the Polish State:  the offices of the Kingdom were filled by Polish officers; the king determined the taxation system; the mechanism of succession was defined by providing that, in the absence of male descendants, the king's daughters could claim the Polish crown. In his absence, Louis entrusted the affairs of the kingdom to his mother, Elisabeth Piast († 1380). But the dissatisfaction with the Angevin regime is proved by the riot of Krakow in 1376.

After Louis’s death, her daughters succeeded in his two kingdoms: Mary in Hungary, Edwig in Poland. Hedwig, who was crowned in Krakow in 1384, had to break off his engagement with William of Habsburg and marry the grand duke of Lithuania, Władysław II Jagiełło, who had converted to Christianity under the pressure of the Polish nobility. Their marriage in 1386 was the beginning of the Lithuanian-Polish personal union (until 1569). The queen bore the title until her death in 1399, but the royal power was in fact in the hands of her husband (1386-1434).

Enikő Csukovits, Judit Csákó

Kingd. of Poland map

Mappa regno di Polonia

Kingd. of Poland bibliography

Published sources

Narrative sources

Archival sources

  • Bartoszewicz J., Bobowski N., Helcel A. S., Muczkowski A. et Rzyszczewski L. (éd.), Kodex dyplomatyczny Polski. Codex diplomaticus Poloniae, I–IV, Varsoviae, 1847–1887.
  • Gąsiorowski A., Jasiński T., Jurek T., Kowalewicz H., Piekosiński F., Skierska I., Walczak R. et Zakrzewski I. (éd.), Kodeks dyplomatyczny Wielkopolski. Codex diplomaticus Maioris Poloniae, I–XI, Poznań – Warsawa, 1877–1999.
  • Kuraś S., Pacuski K., Piętka J., Sułkowska-Kuraś I. et Wajs H. (éd.), Nowy kodeks dyplomatyczny Mazowsza. Codex diplomaticus Masoviae novus, II–III, Warsawa – Wrocław, 1989–2000 (Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii)
  • Kuraś S. et Sułkowska-Kuraś I. (éd.), Bullarium Poloniae litteras apostolicas aliaque monumenta Poloniae Vaticana continens, I–VI, Romae – Lublini, 1982–1998.
  • Piekosiński F. (éd.), Kodeks dyplomatyczny małopolski. Codex diplomaticus Poloniae minoris, I–IV, Cracoviae, 1876–1905 (Monumenta medii aevi historica res gestas Poloniae illustrantia, 3, 9, 10, 17) (Editionum Collegii historici Academiae literarum Cracoviensis)
  • Piekosiński F., (éd.), Kodeks dyplomatyczny miasta Krakowa 1257–1506. Codex diplomaticus civitatis Cracoviensis 1257–1506. I–II, Kraków, 1879–1882 (Monumenta medii aevi historica res gestas Poloniae illustrantia, 5) (Editionum Collegii historici Academiae literarum Cracoviensis)

Medieval Poland

  • Davies N., God's Playground. A History of Poland. I. The Origins to 1795, Oxford, 1981.
  • Halecki O. et Gromada Th. V., Jadwiga of Anjou and the rise of East Central Europe, Boulder, Colo., 1991 (East European monographs, 308) (Atlantic studies on society in change, 73)
  • Jasienica P., Piast Poland, New York, 1985.
  • Jasienica P., Jagellonian Poland, Miami, 1978.
  • Knoll P. W., The Rise of the Polish Monarchy. Piast Poland in East Central Europe, 1320–70, Chicago – London, 1972.
  • Wojciechowski, Z., Mieszko I and the rise of the Polish State, Toruń – London, 1936 (The Baltic Pocket Library)

Angevin dynasty in Poland

Society and institutions


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Albania presentation


            Albania – Epirus – Ionian islands



Following the fourth crusade (1204), Epirus was one of the three States claiming continuity with the Byzantine empire, together with Nicaea and Trebizond. Founded and governed for a long time by a branch of the Komnenian imperial dynasty, the Epirot State initially stretched from Naupactus to Dyrrachion and was in conflict with both the Latins and the Nicaeans; the latter restored the Byzantine empire in 1261. The failure of the Epirot sovereigns to restore the empire to their advantage led them to bear the title of “despot”, the most important after that of emperor. Epirus was a crucial pivot of Angevin eastern policy, because of its strategic position on the road of Thessaloniki and Constantinople. The Angevins alternately tried to make it an ally or a vassal or to control it directly. The Epirots, on the other hand, were threatened by the Angevin and Byzantine expansionism and chose a balance policy, supporting successively one or the other power to preserve their independence.

The wars between Epirots and Nicaeans had helped the king Manfred of Sicily to settle on the Albanian coast between Durazzo (Durrës) and Valona (Vlora) and inland up to Berat in 1258, and then (1259) to extend his domination on Corfu and the Epirot coastline between Chimara and Buthrotum. After his victory against Manfred, Charles I of Anjou took control of these territories, which served as a basis for an expansionary eastern policy, that was intended to restore the Latin empire of Constantinople under the terms of the treaty of Viterbo, signed in May 1267. This treaty made William of Achaea vassal of Charles; the county of Cephalonia, composed of the islands of Cephalonia and Zante, entered thus the Angevin dominion.

Initially, Charles strenghtened his power in Albania and took the title of Rex Albaniae (1272). The territory of the new kingdom had the shape of a rectangle whose vertices were Tivar (today Bar in Montenegro), Prizren (Kosovo), Ohrid and Valona. But from 1274 a Byzantine offensive resulted in the loss of Berat and the Epirot coastline. In 1279 the Byzantine threat urged the despot of Epirus Nikephoros to swear an oath of vassalage to Charles, who thus regained control of the Epirot coast and the following year launched an expedition to return to Berat. However, the Angevin army was annihilated and the Byzantine resumed their offensive. In 1284, Durazzo and Valona fell. The Angevin possessions in the region were now limited to Corfu and Buthrotum.

A new phase began in 1294, when prince Philip of Taranto received from his father Charles II Corfu, Buthrotum, the rights related to the Albanian crown and the suzerainty over the principality of Morea, including the county of Cephalonia. By his marriage to Thamar, daughter of despot Nikephoros, Philip obtained Ateolia-Acarnania as a dowry and the promise to inherit the whole Epirus. This promise was not respected, but allowed the princes of Taranto to keep the title of despot of Epirus and claim the province.

The kingdom of Albania was re-established in 1304, when Philip of Taranto was able to restore the Angevin regime in Durazzo; however, it remained limited to this city during Philip's life. In 1332 his son and successor, Robert of Taranto, exchanged Durazzo for the principality of Achaea with John of Gravina, who thus became John of Durazzo (Jean de Duras); this new dynasty, who was too busy taking part in the political struggle between Naples and Hungary, failed to extend its dominion beyond the city. The Albanian prince Karl Thopia, relative of the princes of Taranto, took control of Durazzo tentatively in 1368 and permanently in 1383. Social complexity and lack of local support prevented the house of Anjou from creating a centralized State in the image of other Angevin possessions. The Angevin political presence, which was based on a military and economic management policy, has hardly left trace on the Albanian territory.

In the South, Corfu and his Epirot appliances passed in 1373 from the dominion of the princes of Taranto to the kings of Naples and were occupied by the Venetians in 1386. The county of Cephalonia changed several times of status. Count Nicolas became despot of Epirus in 1318 and refused to obey to the Angevins; John of Gravina thus came and occupied the county (1325), which was then jointly administered with the principality of Morea. In 1357 Robert of Taranto, prince of Morea, gave it as a fief to Leonardo Tocco. In 1396, king Ladislas separated the county from the principality of Morea and made it a direct fief of the kingdom of Naples. The house of Tocco reigned in Cephalonia until the Ottoman conquest of 1479. In Aetolia-Acarnania, the Angevin power had a territorial decline after 1314. Naupactus was lost during the years 1360, and then the only dominion left was Vonitsa, controlled by the house of Tocco. This family conquered a large part of the region from 1390, but its possessions were conquered by the Ottomans between 1460 and 1479.

In conclusion, each of these territories had a complex history. Throughout the Angevin era, they passed from one branch of the dynasty to another, from a group of fiefs to another.

Brendan Osswald

Albania map

The Angevin Albania (© I. Ortega)

Albania bibliography


  • Asonitis S., Η Ανδηγαυική Κέρκυρα [«Corfou angevine»], Corfou, 1999.
  • Asonitis S., Το Νότιο Ιόνιο κατά τον Όψιμο Μεσαίωνα [« Le sud de la mer Ionienne à la fin du Moyen Âge »], Athènes, 2005.
  • Cabanes P. (dir.), L’Histoire de l’Adriatique, Paris, 2001.
  • Cabanes P., L’Albanie, le pays des Aigles, Aix-en-Provence, 1994.
  • Campobasso G., « Alcune fonti per lo studio del Regnum Albaniae degli Angiò : documenti, epigrafi, araldica e visual evidences », Mélanges de l’École française de Rome - Moyen Âge, 128/2 (2016).
  • Castellan G., Histoire des Balkans, XIVe-XXe siècle, Paris, 1991.
  • Castellan G., Histoire de l’Albanie et des Albanais, Paris, 2001.
  • Ducellier A., La Façade maritime de l’Albanie au Moyen Âge. Durazzo et Valona du XIe au XVe siècle, Thessalonique, 1981.
  • Ducellier A., « Les Albanais dans les colonies vénitiennes au XVe siècle », Studi Veneziani, X, 1968, p. 47-64.
  • Ducellier A., « Les Albanais dans les colonies vénitiennes au XVe siècle », Ducellier A., L’Albanie entre Byzance et Venise (Ve-XVe siècle) (VR), Londres, 1987, p. 23-26.
  • Geanakoplos D. J., Emperor Michael Palaeologus and the West, 1258-1282. A Study in Byzantine-Latin Relations, Cambridge (MA), 1959.
  • Kiesewetter A., « I Principi di Taranto e la Grecia (1294-1373/83) », Archivio Storico Pugliese, LIV (2001), p. 53-100.
  • Kiesewetter A., L'acquisto e l'occupazione del litorale meridionale dell'Albania da parte di re Carlo I d'Angiò (1279-1283), Rassegna storica salernitana Ser. NS, vol. 32, 63 (2015) p. 27-62.
  • Laiou A. E., Constantinople and the Latins. The Foreign Policy of Andronicus II (1282-1328), Cambridge (MA), 1972.
  • Lala E., Regnum Albaniæ, the Papal Curia and the Western Visions of a Borderline Nobility, doctorat d’Histoire du Moyen Âge, Central European University, Department of Medieval Studies, 2008 (dactylographié).
  • Metais S., Histoire des Albanais. Des Illyriens à l’indépendance du Kosovo, Paris, 2006.
  • Nicol D. M., The Despotate of Epiros, Oxford, 1957.
  • Nicol D., The Despotate of Epiros 1267-1479. A Contribution to the History of Greece in the middle ages, Cambridge, 1984.
  • Osswald B., « The Ethnic Composition of Medieval Epirus », Ellis S. G., Klusáková L. (dir.), Imaging frontiers, contesting identities, Pisa, 2007, p. 125-154.
  • Osswald B., L’Épire du treizième au quinzième siècle : autonomie et hétérogénéité d’une province byzantine, Roma, 2020.
  • Osswald B., « La stratégie matrimoniale des Tocco de Céphalonie », Nikolov A. (dir.), Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Sofia, 2011, vol. 3, p. 71.
  • Osswald B., « S’assimiler pour régner ? Le cas des souverains italiens de l’Épire (XIVe-XVe siècles) », Chevalier M.-A., Ortega I. (dir.), Élites chrétiennes et formes du pouvoir en Méditerranée centrale et orientale, 2017, p. 313-352.
  • Osswald B., « Les armoiries des Tocco de Céphalonie à Arta », Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 2018.
  • Qosja R., La question albanaise, Paris, 1995.
  • Rapatout A., « Charles Ier d'Anjou, roi d'Albanie : L'aventure balkanique des Angevins de Naples au XIIIe siècle », Hypothèses, 2006/1 (9), p. 261-269.



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Morea presentation

           Principality of Morea


Morea is a peninsula, which takes its name from its cultivations of mulberry tree, but it also corresponds to the ecclesiastical province of Achaia. In antiquity, this space belonged to the Roman empire, then it passed under Byzantine domination following its division in the 4th century. Morea had a rural economy, dominated by important landowners, often absent, who mostly resided in their palaces in Constantinople.

Chlemoutsi, ph. Fl. Sampsonis

When the Crusaders taking part in the fourth crusade left the West, many were from the kingdom of France. After the conquest and the sack of Constantinople in 1204, some of them followed the marquis Bonifacio di Monferrato in order to conquer the territories of the Balkans. Guillaume de Champlitte, Geoffroy de Villehardouin and other knights accompanied him westwards and gradually conquered various Greek towns, like Corinth, which was the only fortress to resist, while the rest of the territory fell without resistance.

Between 1204 and 1206, a large part of the peninsula of Morea was owned by the Latins, who built a feudal State, in accordance with the western model. The first to take the title of prince was Geoffroy I de Villehardouin, who then transmitted the principality to his descendants. During the reign of his youngest son, Guillaume (1246-1278), the principality had a golden age: the Morean knights accompanied Louis IX during his crusade (1248-1249), the Peloponnese was completely conquered after the capture of Monemvasia (1248) and the princely institutions were strengthened.

Guillaume de Villehardouin helped his father-in-law, the despot of Epirus, against Michael Palaiologos. In 1259, in the battle of Pelagonia, the Morean knights and the prince himself were beaten and imprisoned by the Greeks. After the taking of Constantinople and the restoration of the Greek Empire in 1261, Michael Palaiologos accepted negotiations; Guillaume was released, as well as his knights, in exchange for the transfer of various fortresses of the principality. In the 1260s, the Greek expansion forced him to engage his army in a permanent war within his own principality, while he had no more allies in the East.

In this context, Guillaume de Villehardouin tried to get closer to the emerging power of Charles of Anjou. He went several times in Italy to meet him and to negotiate military and economic aid. In 1267, the treaty of Viterbo, provided, among other things, the marriage of Guillaume's heiress Isabelle de Villehardouin with Charles's son, Philip, allowing the latter to become the next prince of Morea. It was also stipulated that in the event of death of the heir, the crown would pass to the hands of the Angevin dynasty. Charles of Anjou made thus his descendants heirs to the Principality of Morea, but also of the imperial title of Constantinople.

However, the death of Philip in 1277 meant the loss of the principality for Guillaume's descendants, in accordance with the treaty of Viterbo. The prince Guillaume died 1278, leaving the principality to the Angevin dynasty.

Isabelle Ortega

Morea map

Peloponnese - Morea (© I. Ortega)

Morea bibliography

  • Andrews K., Castles of Morea, Princeton, 1953.
  • Arbel B., Hamilton B., Jacoby D. (éd.), Latins and Greeks in the Eastern Mediterranean after 1204, Londres, 1989.
  • Avraméa A., Le Péloponnèse du IVe au VIIIe siècle. Changements et persistances, Paris, 1997.
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D. of Bar and Lorraine presentation

                    The duchies of Bar and Lorraine


King René of Anjou became duke of Bar in 1430, after the death of cardinal Louis of Bar, sole heir to this duchy, who had adopted him; the following year he also became duke of Lorraine, following the death of the duke Charles II, whom he married the eldest daughter Isabelle. These alliances are the results of a political project developed in the context of the rivalries between Valois and Burgundy, in the kingdom of France, which intertwined with those between Habsburgs and Wittelsbach within the empire. The two regions were both a border and a crossroads.

The two duchies, previously competing and often conflicting in the multiple wars between the principalities of the area, were therefore gathered, in the same hands, or at least in those of the members of a single family. The Angevin presence involved Lorraine and Bar in international politics, beyond their traditional situation of countries between two (or three) big powers.

Until 1473, René of Anjou and his heirs in male line (John of Calabria, his eldest son, who became duke of Lorraine after the death of his mother in 1453, and Nicolas of Anjou, son of the latter, who succeeded him in 1470), spent most of their time in Lorraine.

Two memorable battles changed the political and economic issues of the Angevin presence the eastern France. In the battle of Bulgnéville (1431) René, who was supported by his brother-in-law the king of France Charles VII, was defeated and taken prisoner by the duke of Burgundy Philip the Good, allied to his rival at the head of the duchy of Lorraine, Antoine de Vaudemont. Despite his victory, Antoine could not take control of the duchy, due to the opposition of the king Sigismund of Luxembourg. The marriage of René's eldest daughter, Yolande, with Ferry, son of Antoine, finally resolved this conflict and gave birth to René II, the future heir to the duchies.

In the meantime, the need to find funds to pay his ransom, and to compensate the losses of the great lords fallen with him, was the main intention of René's political activity in Lorraine and Bar. René's difficulties echoed those of Charles VII in his attempts to get out of the Hundred Years' War. The two kings met in the winter of 1444-1445, that they spent together in Lorraine, until the marriage of Marguerite, René's daughter, with the king of England Henry of Lancaster, which was supposed to bring peace between France and England.

After a first period of frequent alienations of ducal fiefs and jurisdictions, René changed his policy; he revoked many transfers of rights and strived to complete a group of institutional and administrative reforms, in order to better know its dominions; to ensure the loyalty of his vassals and the integrity of his territories; to improve the financial management and the commercial activities of the duchies; to insert his States in the network of economic relationships with their neighbours.

These guidelines combine with René's ambitions in the Mediterranean, which motivated the frequent fiscal imposition among the populations of the two territories: even after the unlucky attempt to reconquer the kingdom of Naples in 1442, the political return in the Italian Mezzogiorno remained a goal, sometimes openly expressed, sometimes hidden behind the military aid given to various Italian cities and the king of France.

John of Calabria, René's eldest son, ruled Genoa in 1458-1464; he  attacked Ferrante of Aragon; he opposed to Louis XI and then reconciled with him. Its main objective, which was the conquest of the kingdom of Sicily, lead him to Catalonia, where he died in Barcelona (1470). Lorraine contributed to these expeditions, granting financial and military aid, and participating in the establishment of maritime campaigns. Officers from Lorraine were present in John’s immediate entourage and in the one of his brother-in-law, Ferry de Vaudemont, with whom he shared the military operations and the government of its States: from the noble and great officers to the secretaries and members of the hôtel. John of Calabria, in the middle of his distant expeditions, returned to Lorraine several times and failed to avoid the struggles between Burgundian and French influences in the duchies, which affected various bishoprics and towns like Epinal.

Assistance from the France was indispensable for external campaigns, but it carried the risk of a political incorporation, which continued after John's death: his son Nicholas succeeded him for less than three years, and suddenly died in 1473, maybe because of a poisoning promoted by Louis XI, whom he was to marry the daughter, although Louis no longer needed this alliance. The wars of Burgundy ended after the battle of Nancy, in January 1477, but the essential question remained: Louis XI still aimed to take over the duchies of Bar and of Lorraine. The Burgundian affairs were entrusted to Philippe the Fair, who was trying to extend his influence in the duchies. The new duke of Lorraine, who was the only heir to the Angevin dynasty by his mother Yolande after René's death and the extinction of the branch of Maine, had little choice but to swing between its powerful neighbours, trying to impose a «marchis» status and to defend his rights. He claimed the inheritance of Provence to the kings Louis XI, Charles VIII and Louis XII, always in vain however. René II, whose power consisted of the possession of the duchies of Bar and of Lorraine and various goods throughout the kingdom, gradually resigned to make of these territories the fulcrum of his policy. He carried out a homogeneous activity of government on its States, which were cut in half by linguistic and political borders (between French and German language, kingdom of France and empire); he fought against the administrative, judiciary, commercial but also political and ecclesiastical interferences of his powerful neighbours; he laid the foundations of a durable principality, which was still admired in the 17th century.

Hélène Schneider

D. of Bar and Lorraine map

D. of Bar and lorraine bibliography

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