The Angevin world Provence Anjou and Maine Communal Italy Kingdom of Sicily Kingdom of Hungary Kingdom of Poland Albania Morea Duchies of Bar and Lorraine Contenu espace soeursContenu espace soeurs General information on related research teams and historical societies Academic research programs Ongoing King Robert and queen Sancia praying at Louis of Anjou’s feet (detail), Giovanni Barrile's master, about 1340, Aix-en-Provence, Granet Museum © B. Terlay.EUROPANGE, the Angevin Europe (20142018) JOSTICE ET PLET, Base de données prosopographiques des officiers et des jurisconsultes de l'entourage de Louis IX (Li livres de jostice et de plet, compilation juridique c. 1260 ; Paris, BnF, ms fr. 2844) New Interpretations on the Angevin World (the Empire of King Henry II, 1154-1189) PETIT THALAMUS, digital critical edition of the AA9 manuscript of the city archives of Montpellier Prosopography of papal legates in Hungary (11th13th centuries) SIGILLA, emblems and seals in France STUDIUM PARISIENSE, Paris I University, Laboratoire de Médiévistique Occidentale de Paris ; prosopographical database of academics in Paris Finished CAPÉTIENS: database (1) (2) CORELPA (Digital corpus of papal letters): Ut per litteras apostolicas database by Brepols Devises et emblématique des princes en Europe à la fin du Moyen Âge (Université de Poitiers), Base Devise GOUVAREN (Ruling by surveys in the Middle Ages): presentation website GEMMA (Birth of an administrative method. Forms and practices of princely accounting – Savoy, Dauphiné, Provence, Venaissin – 13th16th centuries): online corpus PALM, Plateforme d’analyse linguistique médiévale (traitement des textes médiévaux) REGNUM REGIS «As inquirições do reinado de Afonso II (1211-1223)»: database Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions Portal of archival institutions Academic institutions: Arxiu virtual Jaume I. Documents d'època medieval relatius a la Corona d’Aragó (Universitat Jaume I, Castelló) Casa de Velázquez Digital library of the Institución « Fernando el Católico » (Aragonese kingdom) Centre pontifical d’Avignon École française de Rome Regesta imperii Documentary resources (online documents and studies) Archive Biblioteca digital hispánica Bibliothèque virtuelle des manuscrits médiévaux (IRHT). Europeana Fons digitalitzats de la Biblioteca de Catalunya Gallica Himanis (Archives nationales, Paris) Monasterium Vatican Apostolic Library, Manuscripts PARES, Portal de Archivos españoles Universidad de Valencia : Somni, Col.lecció digital de fons històric Contenu espace soeursContenu espace soeurs Information on related research programs Academic research programs Ongoing Finished Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions Portal of archival institutions Academic institutions: Documentary resources (online documents and studies) Archives départementales Alpes-de-Haute-Provence Alpes-Maritimes Bouches-du-Rhône Hautes-Alpes Var Vaucluse Archives municipales Arles : Les registres de délibérations de la ville d’Arles (depuis 1423) Avignon Nice Marseille City libraries: (inventories of manuscripts) Aix-en-Provence Avignon Carpentras Marseille University libraries Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’Homme University of Aix-Marseille Documentary resources (online documents and studies) Aix-Marseille University, Library Books and liturgic manuscripts of the Méjanes library (Aixen-Provence) Corpus des études angevines Partnership between the Médiathèque (e-Médiathèque), the Service for "Ressources et édition numériques (Cité numérique de la Méditerranée)" and the Centre Européen de Recherche sur les Congrégations et Ordres Religieux (Jean Monnet University, Saint-Étienne). Digitised works Digital library, Provence and eastern Provence e Médiathèque: history of Provence (printed works) History of eastern Provence in the Archivio di Stato of Turin Historical societies of Provence Fédération historique de Provence (Marseille) Contenu espace soeursContenu espace soeurs Information on related research programs Academic research programs Ongoing Finished Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions Portal of archival institutions Academic institutions: Documentary resources (online documents and studies) Armoriaux et blasons numérisés de l’Anjou Commulysse, Bibliothèque de la Ville d’Angers, ressources documentaires et ouvrages en ligne. Historical societies of Anjou and Maine Association des Amis des Archives d’Anjou (Les 4A) Mémoire des princes angevins Contenu espace soeursContenu espace soeurs Information on related research programs Academic research programs Ongoing Finished Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions Portal of archival institutions Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo Documentary resources (online documents and studies) Historical societies for communal Italy Deputazione di storia patria per l’Umbria Deputazione di storia patria per la Toscana Deputazione di storia patria per le antiche provincie modenesi Deputazione di storia patria per le Marche Deputazione di storia patria per le province parmensi Deputazione subalpina di storia patria Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo Società ligure di Storia patria Società pavese di storia patria Società per gli Studi storici, archeologici ed artistici della provincia di Cuneo Società pistoiese di storia patria Società romana di storia patria Società storica della Valdelsa Società storica lombarda Società storica pisana Società storica vercellese Contenu espace soeursContenu espace soeurs Information on related research programs Academic research programs Ongoing Regine, re, vicerè : immagini e strategie del potere in Sicilia tra Tardo Medioevo e prima Età Moderna. Le fonti materiali per una storia dinamica del territorio (Università di Catania, Paola Vitolo) The Medieval Kingdom of Sicily Image Database. A Visual Resource of Historical Sites c. 1100 - c. 1450. Images database, National Endowment for the Humanities (USA), Duke University (NC), Bibliotheca Hertziana di Roma (Istituto Max-Planck per la Storia dell’arte), Caroline Bruzelius (Duke University, NC), Paola Vitolo (Università di Catania) Finished Cristiani e musulmani nella Puglia settentrionale (Capitanata) del XIII secolo, Michael Matheus, Lukas Clemens (Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom) HistAntArtSI – Historical Memory, Antiquarian Culture, Artistic Patronage. Social Identities in the Centres of Southern Italy between the Medieval and Early Modern Period (ERC) Il Regno angioino (secoli XIII-XV) : Sistema informativo digitale per la gestione e l'analisi della documentazione a cura di Roberto Delle Donne e Giovanni Vitolo (2001-2008), con una bibliografia e una banca dati testuale (1265-1277). Itinerari culturali del medioevo siciliano Per L'Elaborazione Informatica Delle Fonti Storico-Artistiche (Firenze) Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions On Frederick II’s period: La «Domus» di Federico II di Svevia Portal of archival institutions SAN - Sistema Archivistico Nazionale SIAS - Sistema Informativo degli Archivi di Stato DGA - Direzione Generale per gli Archivi SIUSA - Sistema Informativo Unificato per le Soprintendenze Archivistiche Storia digitale : contenuti online per la storia ICCD - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione Academic institutions: Centro interuniversitario per la storia delle città campane nel medioevo Centro Studi Orsiniani Centro europeo di studi normanni Centro di studi normanno-svevi Cesura. Centro Europeo di Studi su Umanesimo e Rinascimento Aragonese Istituto italiano per gli studi storici Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici Officina di studi medievali Documentary resources (online documents and studies) Ancien cartography of Apulia: SAST – Sistema degli Archivi del patrimonio cartografico e fotografico storico della Regione Puglia Registri della cancelleria angioina ricostruiti on line (Accademia Pontaniana). Società napoletana di Storia Patria : Archivio Storico per le Province Napoletane University of Salerno: digital library Historical societies for the kingdom of Sicily Accademia Pontaniana (Naples) Associazione degli ex allievi dell'Istituto italiano per gli studi storici Società Napoletana di Storia Patria (Naples) Società Salernitana di Storia Patria (Salerno) Società Siciliana per la Storia Patria Società di Storia Patria per la Puglia (Bari) Società Messinese di Storia Patria (Messina) Castelnuovo, Napoli, ph. A. Santoro Contenu espace soeursContenu espace soeurs Information on related research programs Academic research programs Ongoing Hungarian medieval research group – Hungarian academy of sciences, Military history institute and museum, University of Szeged, Hungarian national archives (2007) « The sources and history of the 1515 Habsburg-Jagiello royal summit in Vienna» – Centre of research on human sciences of the Hungarian academy of sciences, National scientific research fund (OTKA K 105916) (2012-2017) «Hungary in medieval Europe» – «Lendület» research group of the Hungarian academy of sciences and the University of Debrecen (2014-2019) «Political élites in countries and provinces under the Angevin domain (13th-15th centuries). Prosopographical database. Comparative analyses on political and social history» – Centre of research on human sciences of the Hungarian academy of sciences, National scientific research fund (OTKA NN 111049) (2014–2018) «The economic history of medieval Hungary» – «Lendület» research group of the Hungarian academy of sciences and the University of Debrecen (2015-2020) Finished «HungarianPolish connections on field of public and private law in the 14th and 15th century» – University of Pécs, National fund for scientific research (OTKA F 34708) (2001–2005) «Archontology of medieval Hungary » – Hungarian academy of sciences, National fund for scientific research (OTKA K 48460, OTKA K 100749) (20052010, 2012-2017) (1) and (2) Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions Portal of archival institutions Hungarian archives portal National archives Hungarian libraries Common catalogue of Hungarian libraries National library Library of the Hungarian academy of sciences Library of the Centre of research on human sciences of the Hungarian academy of sciences Budapest Metropolitan Library University Libraries University Eötvös Loránd, Budapest Catholic University Pázmány Péter, Budapest – Piliscsaba University of Debrecen University of Miskolc University of Pécs University of Szeged Documentary resources (online documents and studies) Database of Hungarian archives, museums, libraries (general) National digital library Digitised journals: Adtplus.arcanum Epe.oszk Database of archival sources of medieval Hungary Digital library of medieval Hungary Documentary resources (online documents and studies): neighbouring countries Digital library of the Croatian academy of sciences Database of medieval archives in Romania Database of the Transylvanian museum society, Romania Historical societies of Hungary Hungarian historical society [Magyar Történelmi Társulat] The Hungarian historical society is one of the most ancient scientific societies in Hungary. It was founded by Mihály Horváth, Ferenc Toldy, Imre Mikó and Arnold Ipolyi in the palace of the Hungarian academy of sciences in 1867 (the year of the Austro-Hungarian compromise which established the double monarchy) to make the Hungarian public aware of the results of the most important historical studies. Since its foundation, it has played a capital role in scientific research and communication. Its journal Századok was founded in 1867. Hungarian heraldic and genealogic society [Magyar Heraldikai és Genealógiai Társaság] It was founded in 1883, to carry out research on heraldry, diplomatics, sphragistics and genealogy. It was closed in 1950 by the Stalinist regime and restored in 1983. Turul [the name of a mythological bird related to Hungarian myths of the origins] is the journal of the Hungarian heraldic and genealogic society (after a long eclipse it reappeared in 1992 as the journal of the Hungarian historical society, Hungarian national archives and Hungarian heraldic and genealogic society). Contenu espace soeursContenu espace soeurs Information on related research programs Academic research programs Ongoing Finished Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions Portal of archival institutions Polish archival portal National archives Polish libraries (description) National library Libraries of the Polish academy of sciences Library of the Historical institute of the Polish academy of sciences University libraries Warsaw: Jagiellonian University, Krakow Poznań Wrocław Documentary resources (online documents and studies) Digital libraries: Polish archives, museums and libraries database (general) National digital library Regional digital libraries: Lower Silesia:; Kuyavia-Pomerania: Greater Poland: Lubusz : Lesser Poland: Podlachia: Pomerania: Silesia:; Polish historical societies Polish historical society [Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne]. It was founded as a regional association in 1886 by Ksawery Liske in Lwów; it became a national organization in 1926. Contenu espace soeursContenu espace soeurs Information on related research programs Academic research programs Ongoing Finished Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions Portal of archival institutions Academic institutions: Documentary resources (online documents and studies) Contenu espace soeursContenu espace soeurs Information on related research programs Academic research programs Ongoing Finished Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions Portal of archival institutions Academic institutions: Documentary resources (online documents and studies) Contenu espace soeursContenu espace soeurs Information on related research programs Academic research programs Ongoing Finished Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions Portal of archival institutions Academic institutions: Documentary resources (online documents and studies)
Academic research programs Ongoing King Robert and queen Sancia praying at Louis of Anjou’s feet (detail), Giovanni Barrile's master, about 1340, Aix-en-Provence, Granet Museum © B. Terlay.EUROPANGE, the Angevin Europe (20142018) JOSTICE ET PLET, Base de données prosopographiques des officiers et des jurisconsultes de l'entourage de Louis IX (Li livres de jostice et de plet, compilation juridique c. 1260 ; Paris, BnF, ms fr. 2844) New Interpretations on the Angevin World (the Empire of King Henry II, 1154-1189) PETIT THALAMUS, digital critical edition of the AA9 manuscript of the city archives of Montpellier Prosopography of papal legates in Hungary (11th13th centuries) SIGILLA, emblems and seals in France STUDIUM PARISIENSE, Paris I University, Laboratoire de Médiévistique Occidentale de Paris ; prosopographical database of academics in Paris Finished CAPÉTIENS: database (1) (2) CORELPA (Digital corpus of papal letters): Ut per litteras apostolicas database by Brepols Devises et emblématique des princes en Europe à la fin du Moyen Âge (Université de Poitiers), Base Devise GOUVAREN (Ruling by surveys in the Middle Ages): presentation website GEMMA (Birth of an administrative method. Forms and practices of princely accounting – Savoy, Dauphiné, Provence, Venaissin – 13th16th centuries): online corpus PALM, Plateforme d’analyse linguistique médiévale (traitement des textes médiévaux) REGNUM REGIS «As inquirições do reinado de Afonso II (1211-1223)»: database Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions Portal of archival institutions Academic institutions: Arxiu virtual Jaume I. Documents d'època medieval relatius a la Corona d’Aragó (Universitat Jaume I, Castelló) Casa de Velázquez Digital library of the Institución « Fernando el Católico » (Aragonese kingdom) Centre pontifical d’Avignon École française de Rome Regesta imperii Documentary resources (online documents and studies) Archive Biblioteca digital hispánica Bibliothèque virtuelle des manuscrits médiévaux (IRHT). Europeana Fons digitalitzats de la Biblioteca de Catalunya Gallica Himanis (Archives nationales, Paris) Monasterium Vatican Apostolic Library, Manuscripts PARES, Portal de Archivos españoles Universidad de Valencia : Somni, Col.lecció digital de fons històric
Academic research programs Ongoing Finished Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions Portal of archival institutions Academic institutions: Documentary resources (online documents and studies) Archives départementales Alpes-de-Haute-Provence Alpes-Maritimes Bouches-du-Rhône Hautes-Alpes Var Vaucluse Archives municipales Arles : Les registres de délibérations de la ville d’Arles (depuis 1423) Avignon Nice Marseille City libraries: (inventories of manuscripts) Aix-en-Provence Avignon Carpentras Marseille University libraries Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’Homme University of Aix-Marseille Documentary resources (online documents and studies) Aix-Marseille University, Library Books and liturgic manuscripts of the Méjanes library (Aixen-Provence) Corpus des études angevines Partnership between the Médiathèque (e-Médiathèque), the Service for "Ressources et édition numériques (Cité numérique de la Méditerranée)" and the Centre Européen de Recherche sur les Congrégations et Ordres Religieux (Jean Monnet University, Saint-Étienne). Digitised works Digital library, Provence and eastern Provence e Médiathèque: history of Provence (printed works) History of eastern Provence in the Archivio di Stato of Turin
Academic research programs Ongoing Finished Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions Portal of archival institutions Academic institutions: Documentary resources (online documents and studies) Armoriaux et blasons numérisés de l’Anjou Commulysse, Bibliothèque de la Ville d’Angers, ressources documentaires et ouvrages en ligne.
Academic research programs Ongoing Finished Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions Portal of archival institutions Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo Documentary resources (online documents and studies)
Deputazione di storia patria per l’Umbria Deputazione di storia patria per la Toscana Deputazione di storia patria per le antiche provincie modenesi Deputazione di storia patria per le Marche Deputazione di storia patria per le province parmensi Deputazione subalpina di storia patria Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo Società ligure di Storia patria Società pavese di storia patria Società per gli Studi storici, archeologici ed artistici della provincia di Cuneo Società pistoiese di storia patria Società romana di storia patria Società storica della Valdelsa Società storica lombarda Società storica pisana Società storica vercellese
Academic research programs Ongoing Regine, re, vicerè : immagini e strategie del potere in Sicilia tra Tardo Medioevo e prima Età Moderna. Le fonti materiali per una storia dinamica del territorio (Università di Catania, Paola Vitolo) The Medieval Kingdom of Sicily Image Database. A Visual Resource of Historical Sites c. 1100 - c. 1450. Images database, National Endowment for the Humanities (USA), Duke University (NC), Bibliotheca Hertziana di Roma (Istituto Max-Planck per la Storia dell’arte), Caroline Bruzelius (Duke University, NC), Paola Vitolo (Università di Catania) Finished Cristiani e musulmani nella Puglia settentrionale (Capitanata) del XIII secolo, Michael Matheus, Lukas Clemens (Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom) HistAntArtSI – Historical Memory, Antiquarian Culture, Artistic Patronage. Social Identities in the Centres of Southern Italy between the Medieval and Early Modern Period (ERC) Il Regno angioino (secoli XIII-XV) : Sistema informativo digitale per la gestione e l'analisi della documentazione a cura di Roberto Delle Donne e Giovanni Vitolo (2001-2008), con una bibliografia e una banca dati testuale (1265-1277). Itinerari culturali del medioevo siciliano Per L'Elaborazione Informatica Delle Fonti Storico-Artistiche (Firenze) Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions On Frederick II’s period: La «Domus» di Federico II di Svevia Portal of archival institutions SAN - Sistema Archivistico Nazionale SIAS - Sistema Informativo degli Archivi di Stato DGA - Direzione Generale per gli Archivi SIUSA - Sistema Informativo Unificato per le Soprintendenze Archivistiche Storia digitale : contenuti online per la storia ICCD - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione Academic institutions: Centro interuniversitario per la storia delle città campane nel medioevo Centro Studi Orsiniani Centro europeo di studi normanni Centro di studi normanno-svevi Cesura. Centro Europeo di Studi su Umanesimo e Rinascimento Aragonese Istituto italiano per gli studi storici Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici Officina di studi medievali Documentary resources (online documents and studies) Ancien cartography of Apulia: SAST – Sistema degli Archivi del patrimonio cartografico e fotografico storico della Regione Puglia Registri della cancelleria angioina ricostruiti on line (Accademia Pontaniana). Società napoletana di Storia Patria : Archivio Storico per le Province Napoletane University of Salerno: digital library
Accademia Pontaniana (Naples) Associazione degli ex allievi dell'Istituto italiano per gli studi storici Società Napoletana di Storia Patria (Naples) Società Salernitana di Storia Patria (Salerno) Società Siciliana per la Storia Patria Società di Storia Patria per la Puglia (Bari) Società Messinese di Storia Patria (Messina) Castelnuovo, Napoli, ph. A. Santoro
Academic research programs Ongoing Hungarian medieval research group – Hungarian academy of sciences, Military history institute and museum, University of Szeged, Hungarian national archives (2007) « The sources and history of the 1515 Habsburg-Jagiello royal summit in Vienna» – Centre of research on human sciences of the Hungarian academy of sciences, National scientific research fund (OTKA K 105916) (2012-2017) «Hungary in medieval Europe» – «Lendület» research group of the Hungarian academy of sciences and the University of Debrecen (2014-2019) «Political élites in countries and provinces under the Angevin domain (13th-15th centuries). Prosopographical database. Comparative analyses on political and social history» – Centre of research on human sciences of the Hungarian academy of sciences, National scientific research fund (OTKA NN 111049) (2014–2018) «The economic history of medieval Hungary» – «Lendület» research group of the Hungarian academy of sciences and the University of Debrecen (2015-2020) Finished «HungarianPolish connections on field of public and private law in the 14th and 15th century» – University of Pécs, National fund for scientific research (OTKA F 34708) (2001–2005) «Archontology of medieval Hungary » – Hungarian academy of sciences, National fund for scientific research (OTKA K 48460, OTKA K 100749) (20052010, 2012-2017) (1) and (2) Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions Portal of archival institutions Hungarian archives portal National archives Hungarian libraries Common catalogue of Hungarian libraries National library Library of the Hungarian academy of sciences Library of the Centre of research on human sciences of the Hungarian academy of sciences Budapest Metropolitan Library University Libraries University Eötvös Loránd, Budapest Catholic University Pázmány Péter, Budapest – Piliscsaba University of Debrecen University of Miskolc University of Pécs University of Szeged Documentary resources (online documents and studies) Database of Hungarian archives, museums, libraries (general) National digital library Digitised journals: Adtplus.arcanum Epe.oszk Database of archival sources of medieval Hungary Digital library of medieval Hungary Documentary resources (online documents and studies): neighbouring countries Digital library of the Croatian academy of sciences Database of medieval archives in Romania Database of the Transylvanian museum society, Romania
Hungarian historical society [Magyar Történelmi Társulat] The Hungarian historical society is one of the most ancient scientific societies in Hungary. It was founded by Mihály Horváth, Ferenc Toldy, Imre Mikó and Arnold Ipolyi in the palace of the Hungarian academy of sciences in 1867 (the year of the Austro-Hungarian compromise which established the double monarchy) to make the Hungarian public aware of the results of the most important historical studies. Since its foundation, it has played a capital role in scientific research and communication. Its journal Századok was founded in 1867. Hungarian heraldic and genealogic society [Magyar Heraldikai és Genealógiai Társaság] It was founded in 1883, to carry out research on heraldry, diplomatics, sphragistics and genealogy. It was closed in 1950 by the Stalinist regime and restored in 1983. Turul [the name of a mythological bird related to Hungarian myths of the origins] is the journal of the Hungarian heraldic and genealogic society (after a long eclipse it reappeared in 1992 as the journal of the Hungarian historical society, Hungarian national archives and Hungarian heraldic and genealogic society).
Academic research programs Ongoing Finished Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions Portal of archival institutions Polish archival portal National archives Polish libraries (description) National library Libraries of the Polish academy of sciences Library of the Historical institute of the Polish academy of sciences University libraries Warsaw: Jagiellonian University, Krakow Poznań Wrocław Documentary resources (online documents and studies) Digital libraries: Polish archives, museums and libraries database (general) National digital library Regional digital libraries: Lower Silesia:; Kuyavia-Pomerania: Greater Poland: Lubusz : Lesser Poland: Podlachia: Pomerania: Silesia:;
Polish historical society [Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne]. It was founded as a regional association in 1886 by Ksawery Liske in Lwów; it became a national organization in 1926.
Academic research programs Ongoing Finished Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions Portal of archival institutions Academic institutions: Documentary resources (online documents and studies)
Academic research programs Ongoing Finished Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions Portal of archival institutions Academic institutions: Documentary resources (online documents and studies)
Academic research programs Ongoing Finished Online portals and documentary resources See also: Corpus, Online editions Portal of archival institutions Academic institutions: Documentary resources (online documents and studies)